Find a Transformational Retreat for Relationship Healing | Calendar of Events — Marriage Restoration

Our Upcoming Couples Therapy Retreats & Vacation Packages

2024-2025 Schedule of Events

​So many couples have already tried marriage counseling and it hasn’t worked.

That’s the case for many of the couples that come see us in our marriage counseling practice.

What do we do differently? Intensive Marriage Counseling Retreats

If you could get clarity on your marriage IMMEDIATELY in 2-5 days rather than going to counseling for months, which would you prefer doing?

Even if you’re not sure if you want to stay together, we find that most of our couples who attend a 2-5 day intensive marriage retreat experience and then follow up with therapy sessions are MOST successful in seeing real long lasting change in their relationship.

Why travel though with your partner when things haven’t been going so well in your relationship?

2 to 5 days together to go deep into the history of your relationship, your childhood and unmet needs growing up, learning real tools to communicate around difficult situations is a lot less time to commit to than months and months of therapy that may or may not work and might make things worse!

Consider a short trip to Baltimore to work with our founders, Shlomo & Rivka Slatkin, or even pamper yourself at our luxurious tropical couples getaway retreats with our amazing team of therapists. You’ll be able to experience the best therapy for your relationship and also enjoy beautiful surroundings, strengthening what’s good about your relationship and learning tools for creating emotional safety to transform the conflict you’ve been having.

Check out our couples therapy retreat vacations and packages below. We have local AND destination retreats for couples who want to get away. Do something DIFFERENT for yourself and your relationship!

online couples retreat imago therapy

2 Day Getting the Love You Want ™ Marriage Workshop in Owings Mills, MD

When you need a quick injection of a new way to relate to your partner, gaining clarity in connection in 2 days, this intensive workshop is equated to 6 months of the most effective marriage counseling due to the foundation provided.

September 15 & 16, 2024

Owings Mills, MD

Rabbi Shlomo and Rivka Slatkin

online couples retreat imago therapy

2 Day Getting the Love You Want ™ Marriage Workshop Online via Zoom

When you need a quick injection of a new way to relate to your partner, gaining clarity in connection in 2 days, this intensive workshop is equated to 6 months of the most effective marriage counseling due to the foundation provided.

November 10-11, 2024


Rabbi Shlomo and Rivka Slatkin

Guest Suite at El Mangroove Autograph Collection Hotel Costa Rica

Tropical Getaway in the Spring of 2025 | Getting the Love You Want ™ Marriage Retreat

Rekindle the love in your relationship at a tropical couples therapy retreat in Costa Rica. The Marriage Restoration Project uses imago therapy marriage counseling in these immersive retreats, but there are plenty of breaks to enjoy the beach together.

April 30- May 4, 2025

Guancaste, Costa Rica

Presenters: David and Donna Bowman

Guest Suite at El Mangroove Autograph Collection Hotel Costa Rica

Level II- Continuing the Journey / Overcoming Reactivity, Spring 2025 in Costa Rica

Already attended a Getting the Love You Want™ Workshop? New for 2025 is a Level II workshop for couples wanting to continue their journey, learning new tools to overcome reactivity and maintain the wonderful connection you had in your original journey together experiencing Imago therapy.

May 4- 7, 2025

Guancaste, Costa Rica

Presenters: David and Donna Bowman

Guest Suite at El Mangroove Autograph Collection Hotel Costa Rica

Couples Reconnection Cruise Spring 2025 to Bermuda

Restore hope and refresh yourself aboard a luxury Celebrity cruise ship to Bermuda. New experiences together help bond you as a couple and no doubt a couples cruise is the perfect opportunity to do so!

June 15- June 22, 2025

Cruise from Bayonne NJ to Bermuda

Presenters: David and Donna Bowman

best couples retreat

On Demand “No Blame, No Shame” 2 Day Private Couples Intensives

There’s nothing like gaining clarity on a difficult situation. A private 2 day intensive retreat in person or online is the quickest way to gain clarity on your relationship when you’re not sure of the direction to take. This intensive is designed for couples who are in crisis, need to reconnect, and work one-on-one with a seasoned couples therapist to help guide them through their own personal issues, working through the conversations they may or may not be able to have at home on their own.

Scheduled on demand
With Rabbi Shlomo or any of our Imago therapists on staff online or in a location near you!

What couples are saying about their experience

This workshop was incredibly helpful. I was unable to see the deeper reasons my husband was trying to communicate partly because he didn’t know how and I didn’t know how to listen with safety. This workshop gave us the structure and support for a breakthrough. Very helpful, exceptionally useful in self and relationship awareness. Was depsperate in my marriage because I was told I was not listening and he was going to leave. We had seen at least 3 other counselors and were planning on filing for divorce. This approach saved us. 

This is a clear roadmap. Presenters are an open, calm, sharing couple who created an inviting space for attendees to participate and learn. -G & M

Wish every couple could take this early in their journey together – L.M

This retreat has literally saved my marriage! -A. H

Solid experience to dialogue in a safe environment.

The intensive experience was helpful to get our marriage back on track. It raised integral issues to the surface to be addressed and healed. – S & L

We had major breakthroughs and got a lot of tools to take with us. – C & K

This provides excellent knowledge of the connection between childhood and relationships. It also teaches people to dialogue and be aware of their triggers. Was a life changing experience! – C. F

I did not think that it would be possible to share so deeply in this setting, amongst people I have never met. – A & F

Why marriage intensive retreats?

We find that couples can get clarity on their relationship quickly when they immerse themselves in an intensive retreat.

Here at, we believe marriage retreats and couples therapy intensives are the best way to achieve clarity and hope for your relationship in the shortest amount of time possible, leaving the retreat with a new path you’ve charted forward to be able to start making real progress in the long term with true accountability.