Marriage Counseling | Imago Couples Therapy | Marriage Restoration

Resources For Counselors

If you’re a mental health professional that works with couples, you might be looking for worksheets and exercises that you can use to enhance your work. There are a number of wonderful exercises and resources that Imago therapy uses that will help you.

If you haven’t heard of Imago therapy before, here are some videos of celebrities talking about how it saved their marriages and interviewing it’s founder, Dr. Harville Hendrix, author of Getting the Love You Want™. Be sure to read it if you haven’t already as the book, Getting the Love You Want™ is the foundational work that launched Imago therapy as a modality of couples therapy.

CEU Credits for Therapists

Counselors, earn 14 CEU credits at our Getting the Love You Want marriage retreats.


Download Worksheets to Use at Sessions

Download worksheets to use with your clients during marriage counseling sessions.


Printable Worksheets for Couples Therapists

Download our helpful worksheets to print and use at counseling sessions with couples or clients.

Purchase E-Books & Download PDF Exercises for Therapists

Purchase e-books to help therapists and counselors deepen their knowledge of the Imago method.

Communication Worksheets to Give Couples

Therapists and counselors, purchase our expertly crafted communication worksheets to give clients who want to improve communication at home.

Sentence Stem Couples Therapy Worksheets for Therapists

Download sentence stem worksheets and guides to use with couples and clients during therapy.

Therapy Intake for Couples Counseling Sessions

Screen new couples before accepting them into your couples counseling practice and ensure that their treatment goals are in line with your own marriage counseling training and abilities.

Bring Imago Therapy Training to Your Group Practice

Do you own a group practice? Are there other clinicians in your office that want to improve their couples work? Bring our Imago therapy CEU classes to your agency so multiple clinicians at once can learn this life changing modality to better work with couples and families.

Imago Certification Training for Therapists – New Fall Cohort 2024/2025

If you want to become certified in Imago therapy, join the waiting list for a new cohort of trainees coming Fall of 2024 at this link. 

What is Imago Therapy?

Imago is a profound way to work with couples as it views the relationship as the true vehicle to healing.

When we can clean out the pollution in our relationship, we can actually discover our true self- free of our childhood trauma.

Watch these short clips to learn more.

Couples Therapy Exercises (For Therapy use and at home)

Dr. Harville Hendrix also wrote a book for clinicians on practicing Imago therapy with couples called Doing Imago Therapy in the Space Between, A Clinician’s GuideYou can get a discount on that textbook here. 

To deepen the couples therapy experience, therapists can use this Sentence Stem Therapy Bundle to help the client understand more about what they are feeling and put words to gain consciousness and new awareness about what’s going on when they’re feeling triggered, helping the client take responsibility, and realize it may be less about their spouse than it is about their own experience! An essential tool and resource for any therapist working with couples!

This is a DIGITAL DOWNLOAD which you will receive upon payment. You can print the download at home or at your favorite print shop for personal use. If you find the resource helpful, feel free to recommend our ETSY shop or our website-the download is for sale and copyrighted.

2. The Relationship Vision Exercise– A great way to get couples on the same page and chart a course forward for their relationship. This exercise allows both partners to craft their hopes and dreams for their marriage and then compare visions. The couple then works together to create a joint vision that combines both of their “mission statements”. It’s an opportunity to understand some of their different priorities and ascertain what their growth areas are to work on.

Couples can work on their relation vision inside of the beautiful journal we created expressly for this purpose. The Relationship Vision Couples Reconnection Journal can be purchased on Amazon.

3. Caring Behaviors Exercise- Couples have different ways of expressing their love for one another and often risk missing the mark. Couples can learn about each other’s love languages by sharing a list of all of the behaviors that have made them feel loved and cared for in the past, present as well as future wishes. This becomes a behavioral exercise where couples take their partner’s list and do 2-3 of the behaviors on a daily basis to express the love the way their partner needs to feel it. These lists are also inside of the Couples Reconnection Journal.


4. Appreciations Dialogue-

A quick positive exercise will give couples more “bang for their buck” in a therapy office because it is simple, powerful, and a great way to remove negativity and focus on what is right with the relationship, not what is wrong with it, making regular deposits into their emotional marriage bank account

5. The Imago Dialogue –

The best way for couples to process frustrations in a safe, connected setting. The structure enables couples to open up, experience emotional intimacy, and resolve long standing conflict without your office turning into a battle royale.

Here’s a quick video of us working through our own frustration using the dialogue process.

You can watch us using the Imago dialogue in our Marriage & Communication video course available here:  Imago is famous for the dialogue yet it is much more than a simple communication technique.

6. Turtles and Hailstorms-

What if relationship problems could be boiled down into a simple relationship style difference? This exercise is an eye-opener in normalizing the conflict that couples experience as well as providing hope of a new way forward. When couples learn how they get “safe” and how that evokes the opposite response in their partner, they can adopt new strategies for more effective interactions.

The Turtles and Hailstorms exercises are inside the workbooks we provide in the No Blame, No Shame Communication Course available here at this link.



7. Relationship Stages-

Watch Rabbi Slatkin’s EliTalks video on this page explaining how conflict is all a part of the greater plan of relationships. The very reason you fell in love with your spouse in the first place. This counterintuitive concept helps you view relationships from the macro level and will renew hope and commitment for the everlasting bond that you call your marriage. *NOTE- Imago therapy is NOT a religious based therapy modality. This video was given to a Jewish audience and is for all to enjoy!

8. If you are a therapist that is excited to have resources at your disposal and you would also like to join our private list for mental health professionals to be able to improve their skills in working with couples, please contact us and let us know you’re a therapist looking to become better trained in working with couples. A wonderful side benefit is that working on your own marriage will actually help you become a better health professional, especially if you are working with couples.

New for 2024/2025! Become a Certified Imago Relationship Therapist or Certified Imago Professional Coach! Check out the options using the links above.