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Relationship Vision Couples Reconnection Journal

Relationship Vision Couples Reconnection Journal: Daily Conversations, Relationship Questions and Bucket Lists to Fix Your Marriage & Be Happy: Conversations to manifest an intentional life together

About The Book

Life is busy. So busy. And it’s easy to get lost in the day to day responsibilities and forget each other. The Relationship Vision Couples Reconnection Journal: Daily Conversation Starters, Relationship Questions for Couples, and Bucket List Ideas to Fix Your Marriage & Be Happy is designed for you to remember each other, why you fell in love, when, where, and how, so that you can co-create and design the next years of your life together; craft a joint mission statement that you actually fulfill, and keep the romance and deep connection alive. Because we believe you fell in love for a reason. That reason is why you picked each other above everyone else you ever dated. Spending time to learn more about yourselves, your partner, learning more about what is meaningful to you and then culling those conversations into a joint “couples mission statement” for your future life together is going to keep you on the path of happiness and deep connection. What could be better than that?

It’s the small things in life that often have the most impact. Studies show that the happiest couples perform 100 caring behaviors for each other in one day- in his “Love Lab”, John Mordechai Gottman videotaped happy couples and discovered that it’s the small things: a wink, a kiss, a warm smile, an affectionate squeeze, a hug, a pinch, a kind thank you, a tender back rub, a special beloved dish, that are keeping couples together and happy. The Relationship Vision Couples Re-Connection Journal is full of these same wonderful “small” things for you and your partner to gift to each other with many prompts for you to start enjoying the most connected and fulfilling conversations, together, for many years to come.

“Successful long-term relationships are created through small words, small gestures, and small acts.”
John M. Gottman, Eight Dates: A Plan for Making Love Last Forever

What’s inside

  • Date night bucket list ideas for couples
  • Diagnostics for understanding your and your spouse’s love language
  • Over 300 relationship questions with prompts
  • Work solo or with your partner!
  • How to enjoy emotionally safe communication
  • Specific techniques for getting your spouse to open up to you
  • Two FREE Chapters of The 5 Step Action Plan to a Happy & Healthy Marriage Counseling 101 Book

We start with daily questions for you to answer, ideally, WITH each other as a way to connect everyday.

Some of these questions are easy and some are harder.

Harder because you may feel reactive upon hearing your spouse’s answer and you want to retort back.

Harder because the question is asking you to be vulnerable with your partner.

The good news is that we’ve separated these relationship questions into three different sections; easy, medium, hard.

The easy questions may seem silly at times but know that they’re doing exactly what they’re supposed to be doing. Giving you things to laugh and smile about with your partner, helping to bring about warm and fuzzy feelings that are oh so important in building a life together. Don’t discount these questions!

Please don’t judge yourself or your partner if you choose to stay in the easy “lane” of questioning. It’s simply where you are at now and within your comfort zone.

The hope is that as you learn how to talk and listen, both you and your partner will feel safer to express yourself and share as time goes on.

A few ground rules for sharing and listening (which is much harder for some!) . Listening is other focused. This means, not responding, reacting, offering advice, or even commiserating. The safest thing you can do is just be quiet and say nothing. A more active way of listening is called mirroring. This means reflecting back, like a mirror, what your partner shares with you verbatim. This is helpful for many reasons. We tend to interpret external stimuli through our own lens. What often happens is that we misinterpret, leading to miscommunication and often conflict. By mirroring, you are focused on exactly what the other said, not your spin on it and you make sure you got it right. After repeating back, you can check and see, “did I get you?” If not, let your partner repeat. Once you got it, ask “is there more?” giving a safe opportunity to continue opening up.

Another reason to mirror is that much of the time, all we really want is to feel heard. We don’t want a response or a rebuttal. Mirroring alone can help us deescalate and feel better. Finally, it helps the listener stay other focused. Instead of responding or getting reactive, the listener’s sole job is to reflect back. This helps the listener not take it personally, and stay calm. When you listen to partner’s responses in this way, you can prevent a potentially touchy topic from exploding into major conflict.

Another way to keep the sharing safe is to schedule a time to do this work. Make sure your partner is available to listen. Otherwise, if you catch him/her off guard, it is a sure way to set your self up for the opposite of what you want. When you do share, make sure you use “I” statements. Focus on yourself and your feelings as opposed to what your spouse does or does not do. This way you make your sharing safer and less likely to provoke your partner. Finally, make sure your language is not laced with negativity or sarcasm. This only seeks to pollute the space when your goal is to develop a deeper connection. If you follow these guidelines, you are more likely to achieve the intended goal of these exercises.

We’ve included questions that are going to give you the opportunity to talk about funny, embarrassing, financial, spiritual, future, critical, and things from your past. All are important as they serve as a way for you to deeply get to know your spouse, see them as the child that they once were, knowing that despite you being married and committed to each other, your spouse is actually a unique world of his/her own, with different experiences, viewpoints, mindsets, and passions.

Your job is to be as a guest, traveling across the bridge into another “land”. A land where you may not- at first glance -understand the language or want to adopt their customs, but as a traveler, it is not your job to judge whether or not their language sounds good or their traditions acceptable. You are simply a tourist.

You’ll want to be the best guest that has ever visited this land, so that one day you will be “invited back”. Being invited back willingly looks like your spouse enjoying sharing with you and wanting to tell you more, feeling more and more comfortable with you in their world, because you aren’t a loud or obnoxious guest- complaining about the food or not understanding the language in this place- but a gentle, respectful observer in this new strange land.

That is how emotional safety and connection is built. No blame and no shame.

Feel free to start with one question a day or a few questions at a time should you have some blissful uninterrupted time together.

If you’re listening on audio, simply pause the recording when you wish to pause your work for the day.

After you’ve completed the questions over some time, you will know much more about your partner and be able to progress into the next step of this book which is to list caring behaviors that you now know your spouse wishes that you would do, romantic gestures your spouse would love, as well as fun, future high energy adventures that you both wish to cross off your bucket list to do together.

The final goal of this book is for you to be able to draft a complete joint relationship vision together.

What is a relationship vision?

Think of it as a joint mission statement.

Just like in a business, the company needs a formal statement so all employees know the goal of the organization and where they are headed, having a vision provides us direction to reach our destination and helps us focus our energy to get there.

Without it, we may feel aimless, chaotic, and empty. This is especially true with marriage. A lot of couples get married and assume the relationship will take care of itself. Sooner or later they realize that it is not so easy. They both entered the marriage with their own unconscious ideas of how their relationship would be, with separate desires, dreams, values, and needs. Many early frustrations in a marriage arise when husband and wife butt heads about these very issues, discovering that they are not on the same page.

Whether or not you have already woken up to the reality that some degree of conflict is inevitable in relationships, it is essential for you to co-create a conscious shared vision. How do you want to build your home? What are its foundations? The following exercise, based on the work of Dr. Harville Hendrix, author of Getting the Love You Want, is an effective tool to help couples create this vision.

Are you ready to begin?
This beautiful journal, The Relationship Vision Couples Reconnection Journal is designed for you to infuse positivity and fun into your relationship, thereby also working on some of the harder aspects of your marriage without it seeming a chore.


Meet the Author


Rabbi Shlomo Slatkin is a relationship expert and public speaker who has helped thousands of couples repair their broken marriages.

Rabbi Slatkin is a Licensed Clinical Professional Counselor, a Certified Imago Relationship Therapist, a Rabbi, and a father of 5. He is an advanced Clinician in Imago Therapy.

A gifted teacher who has lectured throughout the world, Shlomo Slatkin edited and co-authored the Jewish version of Couplehood as a Spiritual Path , a curriculum for synagogues based on Imago Relationship Therapy and Dr. Harville Hendrix’s Getting the Love You Want.

He is also the author of The Five Step Action Plan to a Happy & Healthy Marriage, as well as numerous published articles on relationships.

A graduate of Loyola College in Maryland, Shlomo Slatkin holds a Masters degree in Counseling Psychology, with additional psychotherapy training at the Imago Relationship Institute. He received his undergraduate training at the George Washington University and Oxford University and holds a B.A in Middle Eastern Studies. In addition, he studied in prestigious Rabbinical seminaries in Israel and the United States, culminating in ordination.

Shlomo Slatkin is a clinical member of the American Mental Health Counselors Association, Imago Relationships International, and the Mid-Atlantic Association of Imago Therapists.

Together with his wife Rivka, he is the founder of The Marriage Restoration Project, a global initiative to help keep couples together and happy. Rivka is the marketing director of TMRP and is a co-presenter of the Getting the Love You Want worldwide workshop.


Other Marriage and Relationship Books and Audio

The Five Step Action Plan to a Happy & Healthy Marriage: Increase the Joy of Sanctity, Safety, and Stability in your home- an actionable synopsis on the practice of Imago therapy, The 5 Step Action Plan is a user friendly book that you can read to further strengthen their bond in between sessions. Buy on Amazon $14.00

The 5 Step Action Plan on Audible-Free with Audible Trial!
Listen to an Audio Sample of our Marriage Counseling 5 Step Audio Book

Marriage through the lens of the Bible and Jewish Holidays, Buy on Amazon $9.99

Emerging Childhood Unscathed: Guided Meditations for 1 or 2 to Heal Relationships, Improve Intimacy and Communication & Connection- Buy on Amazon $9.99