Marriage Counseling | Imago Couples Therapy | Marriage Restoration

Imago Marriage Counseling

We help couples find new hope & create a happier, deeper connection in
2 days with our “No Blame, No Shame” couples therapy workshops
and Imago marriage retreats.



Imago Counseling Options


Private Marriage
Intensive Therapy


Get the personalized attention your relationship needs with private, one-on-one intensive therapy designed to resolve deep-rooted issues and restore connection.

Couples Weekend Workshops

Strengthen your bond with immersive weekend workshops tailored to help couples communicate better, reconnect, and build a lasting relationship foundation.

All-inclusive Couples Retreats

Escape together to a serene setting for an all-inclusive retreat, where expert guidance and rejuvenating experiences bring new life to your relationship.

Private Marriage
Intensive Therapy


Get the personalized attention your relationship needs with private, one-on-one intensive therapy designed to resolve deep-rooted issues and restore connection.

Couples Weekend Workshops

Strengthen your bond with immersive weekend workshops tailored to help couples communicate better, reconnect, and build a lasting relationship foundation.

All-inclusive Couples Retreats

Escape together to a serene setting for an all-inclusive retreat, where expert guidance and rejuvenating experiences bring new life to your relationship.

Imago Therapists Offer A Fresh Approach to Marriage Counseling

The Marriage Restoration Project saves marriages from divorce, and couples from breaking up, through imago therapy and intensive marriage therapy retreats.


With a long track record of healing marriages with imago couples counseling, counselors Rabbi Slatkin and his wife Rivka take a unique and highly effective approach to marriage therapy – especially since their own marriage almost ended too and they got it back using their exact processes.


They’ve trained other highly skilled Imago therapists in their marriage retreat methodology so that couples looking for the best of marriage help can find a location closest to their own city.


Looking for a licensed couples counselor near you with experience, rated among the best marriage counselors in the country? Contact us to schedule online marriage counseling, learn more about our private weekend marriage retreats or online retreats, or a group therapy retreat with other couples (now available online as well). Each of our office locations offers in-person couples therapy in Baltimore, MD; New York City, NY; and Titusville, NJ.


“Because you’re not ready to give up on your marriage, and neither are we.”



Meet the Founder


Hi, I’m Rabbi Shlomo Slatkin, Licensed Clinical Professional Counselor and Certified Imago Relationship Therapist. 


Our counseling and imago marriage therapy method are effective and proven, with lots of happy couples and their stories to back it up, including the Slatkin’s story!


The imago relationship therapy we provide works by bringing neutrality, safety, and sanctity into your marriage or or partnership, without blame and shame.


Our two day couples therapy retreats are an effective alternative to traditional relationship counseling in which you would attend a weekly session lasting an hour.


Our marriage intensives are aptly named, because they use imago relationship therapy in an intense 2 day one-one-one retreat. From our experience these intensive couples counseling retreats yield results equal to months of traditional counseling, but much faster.



Meet the Founder


Hi, I’m Rabbi Shlomo Slatkin, Licensed Clinical Professional Counselor and Certified Imago Relationship Therapist. 


Our counseling and imago marriage therapy method are effective and proven, with lots of happy couples and their stories to back it up, including the Slatkin’s story!


The imago relationship therapy we provide works by bringing neutrality, safety, and sanctity into your marriage or or partnership, without blame and shame.


Our two day couples therapy retreats are an effective alternative to traditional relationship counseling in which you would attend a weekly session lasting an hour.


Our marriage intensives are aptly named, because they use imago relationship therapy in an intense 2 day one-one-one retreat. From our experience these intensive couples counseling retreats yield results equal to months of traditional counseling, but much faster.


“We help struggling marriages find new hope for their relationship & create a happier, deeper connection through Imago type counseling.”

Find out more about our expertise

Relationships are unique. One thing that all romantic relationships have in common is they all experience problems at some point.


Some of the most common relationship issues we help husbands, wives, and partners work through include (but are in no way limited to):


Communication Problems, Fighting & Conflict, Intimacy Problems in Relationships, Money, Power Struggles, Distrust, Sexless Marriage, Infidelity

Imago relationship counseling is extremely effective at fixing marriage problems by improving communication between you and your spouse by breaking down defensive mechanism walls. When you don’t have walls surrounding you, it becomes easier to learn how to trust and respect each other again, and even stop the fighting over money, decisions, and intimacy avoidance or anxiety.


If you are both willing to put in the work and commit to our unique imago therapy method, we can help uncover the real underlying issues affecting you individually and your marriage.

Unlike techniques traditional marriage counselors use, imago relationship therapy does not single out either party and never points the finger of blame.


Toxic blaming and shaming behavior is unhealthy, and never allowed during therapy. Our team of couples therapists helps you focus on your relationship with respect, and use communication exercises to help you relearn how to listen to and appreciate one another.


We also help couples understand how childhood wounds affect our romantic relationships and communication issues.


Imago Therapy is an effective, proven form of intensive relationship counseling.


Welcome to The Marriage Restoration Project. You can finally fix your relationship with your spouse right HERE as we get to the root of why you and your spouse are triggering each other so much.

(Hint- “If it’s hysterical, then it’s historical!” 90% of what bothers us about our spouse is actually from your own unmet needs in childhood, 10% is what your spouse is actually doing)


You are here for a reason: because you want to fix your relationship. Not only will you have resources for you at your fingertips for EVERY stage of relationship right here, you also can get 1 on 1 help and marriage support from our team, your certified imago therapists and licensed marriage counselor practicing Imago couples therapy.


We are here to support you in your search for intensive bootcamp-style couples counseling that works. Contact us to learn more about how we help fix relationship problems and save marriage from divorce.


There are many different modalities of marriage counseling out there and not all created equal. The Gottman method is based on years of research by Dr John Gottman. He has studied what makes happy couples and has made his recommendations accordingly.


While it is rather popular due to the research and can provide helpful suggestions for relationship improvement, it fails to address underlying issues or baggage that couples bring to their marriage.


As someone working with couples who have been through Gottman’s program, he does not provide the comprehensive understanding of the relationship struggle, nor a process through which to work through the most delicate problems.


Emotionally-Focused Couples Therapy has also become popular as of late due to founder Dr Sue Johnson’s research. As a University Professor, she has had the luxury of gaining data about her modality. While it goes deeper than Gottman in terms of addressing the real pain, it is does not necessarily empower the couple with skills to integrate into their daily life.


Couples in crisis who I have seen after going through EFT did not find that it helped them work through their issues, nor did it teach them any practical tools. It also relied more on the therapist as opposed to the couple as the healing agent.


While Imago Relationship Therapy does not yet have the same research studies that the other two modalities have (though they are working on it) it’s worldwide popularity and the dramatic feedback of participants in its therapy and group workshops attest to its efficacy.


What’s unique about Imago is that it provides a comprehensive view of conflict, which normalizes much of the struggles that couples are facing, as well as addresses the situation from a more holistic perspective.


Beyond just providing good relationship tips, it actually helps work through the difficult issues by exploring past baggage and trauma, helping couples reconnect and heal.


It is a structured guided approach where the therapist acts as a non-judgmental facilitator teaching tools to couples that help them transform the relationship.


Viewing the conflict from the perspective of the couple’s dynamic, Imago Relationship Therapy aims to create a safe, no shame, no blame atmosphere where couples can cut through the conflict and get back to their initial place of connection.


Couples walked away transformed, amazed at the simplicity, yet profundity of the process. The best part is that they know exactly what they need to do to continue the journey at home.



Can This Marriage Be Saved?
This is a question that people ask a lot. We often hear about predicaments that couples are in and often, the situation seems so dismal that there is no way out of it.

What to do when you and your spouse disagree on politics?
Aug 1, 2024



Can This Marriage Be Saved?
This is a question that people ask a lot. We often hear about predicaments that couples are in and often, the situation seems so dismal that there is no way out of it.

What to do when you and your spouse disagree on politics?
Aug 1, 2024



Marriage Success Stories

Top Reasons to Seek Marriage Counseling

  • Does every conversation turn into a fight?
  • Is one of you always wanting to bring up the past grievances to prove your point?
  • Do you not respect your spouse anymore?
  • Do you feel like you’re no longer on the same path in life or on the same page?
  • Do you feel like you’ve “outgrown” your partner?
  • Do you disagree on even the smallest of issues?
  • Are you no longer attracted to your spouse and have no fulfilling intimacy?
  • Is your husband or wife always angry with you?

Couples come into our offices all the time who are experiencing communication problems. We help them learn effective communication tools to be able to deal with their differences. When either spouse continues to bring up things from the past it creates a lot of hurt. You have to work together to heal old wounds that one of you is still hurting from, because it’s going to keep getting brought up until the hurt they feel is healed!

Is your annoyance with your spouse’s emotional scars a good reason for divorce? No! When a relationship is left to flounder on its own, respect can erode. Each spouse can become totally disconnected from the other. It’s no wonder they sometimes act like a “fish out of water”


Your individual growth is YOUR responsibility. What exactly is he/she doing to PREVENT you from pursuing the growth that you need? Maybe your growth is dealing with your partner and dealing with his/her difficulties and being patient. Part of being a growing person is to have compassion for another. If you can have compassion for someone who may not be as “advanced” as you perceive yourself to be, that is a sign of true growth.


Learning how to work out differences is a learned skill that couples don’t necessarily know how to do. That’s where we come in. We help couples overcome communication problems, money fights, trust issues, and anger problems so you can live your best life together in a loving relationship.


Marriage counseling is going to give you the tools to communicate and connect so that you won’t feel like
your partner is inhibiting your growth or no longer has different values that don’t support your own. Once you start working on the marriage, even your desire for intimacy can help you love again.


Top Reasons to Seek Marriage Counseling

  • Does every conversation turn into a fight?
  • Is one of you always wanting to bring up the past grievances to prove your point?
  • Do you not respect your spouse anymore?
  • Do you feel like you’re no longer on the same path in life or on the same page?
  • Do you feel like you’ve “outgrown” your partner?
  • Do you disagree on even the smallest of issues?
  • Are you no longer attracted to your spouse and have no fulfilling intimacy?
  • Is your husband or wife always angry with you?

Couples come into our offices all the time who are experiencing communication problems. We help them learn effective communication tools to be able to deal with their differences. When either spouse continues to bring up things from the past it creates a lot of hurt. You have to work together to heal old wounds that one of you is still hurting from, because it’s going to keep getting brought up until the hurt they feel is healed!

Is your annoyance with your spouse’s emotional scars a good reason for divorce? No! When a relationship is left to flounder on its own, respect can erode. Each spouse can become totally disconnected from the other. It’s no wonder they sometimes act like a “fish out of water”


Your individual growth is YOUR responsibility. What exactly is he/she doing to PREVENT you from pursuing the growth that you need? Maybe your growth is dealing with your partner and dealing with his/her difficulties and being patient. Part of being a growing person is to have compassion for another. If you can have compassion for someone who may not be as “advanced” as you perceive yourself to be, that is a sign of true growth.


Learning how to work out differences is a learned skill that couples don’t necessarily know how to do. That’s where we come in. We help couples overcome communication problems, money fights, trust issues, and anger problems so you can live your best life together in a loving relationship.


Marriage counseling is going to give you the tools to communicate and connect so that you won’t feel like
your partner is inhibiting your growth or no longer has different values that don’t support your own. Once you start working on the marriage, even your desire for intimacy can help you love again.

Types of Couples that Get the Most from Marriage Counseling
In order to ensure that marriage counseling is most successful for you, you’ll want to make sure that you are one of the couples that get the most from marriage counseling.

– Being open to exploring how you contribute to your relationship nightmare, not only wanting to know how your partner is at fault
Concentrating on your own ability to grow not just wondering how the therapist is going to convince your partner to change

– Ready to create a safe environment for your partner to share and also be able to listen

– Ready to share and be willing to explore deeper than perhaps you have before

– Ready to put your “old relationship” behind, knowing that you can pick it up and take it back after your marriage counseling work but for the time being, you don’t continue to rehash the past during the work

– Giving your partner a chance to show you that they can grow and stretch to meet your needs, not constantly reminding him/her why “they never change”

– Being ready to detox all negativity by watching carefully that you employ “No Blame and No Shame” communication

– Couples that yell, blame, shame, and embarrass their partner

– Couples that aren’t willing to consider that their partner can change

– Couples that have one foot out the door and are not committed to their relationship, having an “exit strategy”

– Couples that keep harping on the past and won’t let anything go

– Couples where one partner has an active addiction and will not get help for the addiction

Types of Couples that Get the Most from Marriage Counseling
In order to ensure that marriage counseling is most successful for you, you’ll want to make sure that you are one of the couples that get the most from marriage counseling.

– Being open to exploring how you contribute to your relationship nightmare, not only wanting to know how your partner is at fault
Concentrating on your own ability to grow not just wondering how the therapist is going to convince your partner to change

– Ready to create a safe environment for your partner to share and also be able to listen

– Ready to share and be willing to explore deeper than perhaps you have before

– Ready to put your “old relationship” behind, knowing that you can pick it up and take it back after your marriage counseling work but for the time being, you don’t continue to rehash the past during the work

– Giving your partner a chance to show you that they can grow and stretch to meet your needs, not constantly reminding him/her why “they never change”

– Being ready to detox all negativity by watching carefully that you employ “No Blame and No Shame” communication

– Couples that yell, blame, shame, and embarrass their partner

– Couples that aren’t willing to consider that their partner can change

– Couples that have one foot out the door and are not committed to their relationship, having an “exit strategy”

– Couples that keep harping on the past and won’t let anything go

– Couples where one partner has an active addiction and will not get help for the addiction

Get effective relationship help even if you’ve tried couples counseling before.
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