Marriage Counseling | Imago Couples Therapy | Marriage Restoration

3 Key Strategies to Strengthen Your Marriage When Times Get Tough

3 strategies to maintain a healthy marriage when you hit a rough patch

When the Easy Road Turns Rocky in relationships. Strengthening Your Marriage with Resilience Perhaps you didn’t expect your marriage to be a walk in the park. At the same time, you may not have anticipated it’d be so tough at times. Some days it feels like you’re on a smooth path, hand in hand, everything […]

Think You & Your Husband or Wife are Incompatible After Years of Marriage?

incompatible marriage vs unwillingness to compromise and commit to relationship

If you’ve been married for years and frequent arguments and flare ups between you and your spouse are making it seem like you are incompatible, don’t let yourself indulge in this short-sided assumption. Learning the difference between incompatibility and unwillingness to compromise can save your marriage. Interested in learning how to turn conflicts into opportunities? […]

Criticism of Imago Therapy for Couples & Situations When IRT Yields the Best Outcome

criticism of imago therapy for couples and when irt helps couples best

The goal of Imago relationship therapy is to help married couples build a deeper connection and improve their marriages through empathy and communication. Like all therapeutic modalities and approaches there are situations when Imago therapy may not be the best method. Imago Relationship Therapy (IRT) has gained significant popularity as a therapeutic approach to helping […]

4 Romantic Waterfalls to Discover with Your Spouse in Guanacaste, Costa Rica

romantic slide waterfall costa rica guanacaste

Guanacaste is the northwest province of Costa Rica boasting an abundance of breathtaking natural wonders like lagoons, volcanic formations, thermal springs, and of course otherworldly waterfalls. Scientists discovered that the negative ions that are emitted when water molecules collide create a sense of euphoria, making waterfalls one of the most romantic destinations for couples around […]

Rabbi Shlomo Slatkin’s Recent News Contributions and Online Features

Browse some of Rabbi Shlomo Slatkin’s recent contributions and expert advice from columnists, journalists, and reporters. Need to interview a licensed, experienced marriage counselor? Fill out the contact form at the bottom of the page to request answers, advice, or expert information about a topic related to couples therapy. We’re also happy to verify facts […]

Enhancing Emotional Connection in Your Relationship by Creating Meaningful Moments

husband never does anything special for me

Enhancing Emotional Connection in Your Relationship by Creating Meaningful Moments Welcome to our comprehensive guide on fostering emotional connection in relationships. At The Marriage Restoration Project, we understand the importance of nurturing and strengthening the bond between partners.  If you feel that your husband or wife never does anything special for you, you probably feel […]

Recognizing the Four Horsemen in Your Own Marriage According to Gottman

recognizing 4 horsemen signs in your relationship according to gottman

John Gottman borrowed the four horsemen of marriage from the four horsemen of the apocalypse in the Christian religion. Recognizing the four horsemen in your own relationship is crucial for you both to mitigate a destructive fight.The four horsemen of marriage are behaviors and feelings that can destroy a healthy relationship according to John Gottman, […]

What are Divorce Prevention Retreats?

what is a divorce prevention retreat

Has the health of your marriage relationship spiraled out of control? If you feel that you are on the brink of splitting up with your spouse our divorce prevention retreats can help. The goal of our intensive marriage retreats is to prevent divorce by helping you and your spouse reconnect and bring back the spark […]

Wife Yells at Me: Why & How to Make it Stop

Does your wife yell and scream at you often? If the behavior is relatively new there could be an unresolved issue or point of contention that you need to address together to stop the loud outbursts. If the yelling is chronic behavior you should know that yelling at your spouse is an unproductive and unhealthy […]

Trauma Dumping in Relationships: Signs, Causes & How to Overcome It

Trauma Dumping in Relationships signs causes how to overcome

It is normal and even healthy to vent to friends about something your partner does that upsets you, but when taken to the extreme it is called trauma dumping. When you overshare traumas with someone repeatedly it can harm your relationship with that person and sometimes qualify as emotional infidelity if it’s about your spouse. […]

Helping Your Partner Manage Life While They are Healing from Trauma

how to help your partner manage life while they are struggling with trauma

Emotional trauma can present some very challenging elements in a relationship, causing both partners to feel frustrated, unfulfilled, misunderstood, and even unloved at times. The person who has endured the emotional trauma, whether it occurred during childhood or as an adult, can react irrationally, seem apathetic, or even neglectful in certain situations. These unexpected reactions […]

Christmas Holiday Activities To Do As a Couple

fun activity ideas for couples during holidays and christmas

Have you ever wondered what to do for your holiday dates with your significant other? Prepare for the most wonderful time of the year as a couple with a guide filled with fun and entertaining activities that you can do together over the Christmas holidays. Christmas Holiday Activities To Do As a Couple December is […]

How To Use Mindfulness To Resolve Unhealthy Marriage Conflicts

How to Resolve Unhealthy Marriage Conflict with Mindfulness

Productive marital conflict can help you work through complex challenges and compromise on important issues. But it’s easy to get reactive during conflicts and feel the survival urge to fight, flee or freeze. If reactivity becomes the norm, you could also become unhappy and frustrated in your marriage. Try using mindfulness to become more aware, […]

The Importance of Intentional Validation & Empathy in Your Relationship

importance of intentional validation and empathy in your marriage

Intentional validation in marriage is the act of validating your spouse’s feelings and expressions intentionally to ensure they feel like their feelings are valid. Have you ever felt like your husband or wife wasn’t really “getting” what you were trying to say? Unfortunately, many of us have experienced this feeling. In the rush of day-today […]

Signs Your Husband is Experiencing Long-Term Grief & What You Can Do to Help Him Move Forward

signs your husband is experiencing long-term grief and what you can do to help him move forward

Behavior among grieving men and women typically differs dramatically. Women usually embrace the gut-wrenching feeling of bereavement, allowing themselves to cry and show vulnerability. It’s more common for men to become detached and/or shut down emotionally and physically while grieving. This is because most men deeply value their role as caregivers and providers, so they […]

Prioritizing Your Spouse Even When You’re Busy with Work & Kids

ways to prioritize your spouse and put your husband or wife first

Sometimes there just isn’t enough time in the day to all the things you planned on, but you always have time to spend 5 minutes of quality time with your spouse to reconnect. After getting the kids ready and off to school in the morning, the mad dash to get yourself ready for work and […]

5 Ways You Might be Undermining Your Marriage Without Even Realizing It

Ways we can undermine our marriage without knowing it

As spouses, we sometimes do seemingly innocuous things that end up being much more harmful to our marriage than we realize, especially if we do them repeatedly over time. In other instances, what might look like “normal” behaviors can actually be a warning sign of underlying distress within the relationship. To keep the allegorical “slowly boiling frog” out of […]