What is a Couples Counseling Vacation?

What is a Couples Counseling Vacation?

If you have a goal to travel more in 2022, consider adding a couples retreat to your itinerary! In this article, let’s talk about what couples counseling vacations are, what to look for in a couples retreat, and what the benefits are of going on this type of...
Communication After Infidelity is Hard: Here Are 5 Tips to Improve It

Communication After Infidelity is Hard: Here Are 5 Tips to Improve It

Learning how to communicate again after experiencing infidelity is one of the most difficult obstacles one can experience in a lifetime. However, its worth putting in the work because a couple can never experience a deep connection emotionally if they cannot express...

Mismatched sexual desire

If you and your partner have mismatched sexual desire, with one of you desiring intimacy moreso than the other, that can feel very frustrating. Use the following tips to help you regain desire for each other and improve your intimate life. Improving your physical...

How to cope with grief after a divorce or breakup

It is normal to experience grief after a divorce or breakup. It is hard ending a long-term relationship. Some of the feelings that arise are sadness, anger or resentment, and guilt. These are all feelings that can come up in the grieving process. While you may be sad...

When Your Partner Brings Work Stress Home

Even if your spouse is working from home these days, you might be feeling frustrated by how much they “take” their work home with them or the amount of stress and focus they give to their job. Work stress is common and it does impact relationships....

When your spouse is unreliable

Feeling like your spouse is unreliable is very disappointing. It’s hard enough raising a family, going to work, dealing with all of the responsibilities of life! Not being able to depend on the other adult in your immediate compounds that difficulty. What to do...