Marriage Counseling | Imago Couples Therapy | Marriage Restoration

How to Discuss Vaccines When You and Your Spouse Disagree

A healthy marriage is a safe haven. It’s a place where partners can discuss important and often difficult topics as they make informed decisions with integrity, honesty, and confidence. But when you and your partner disagree about something—especially something as polarizing as the COVID-19 vaccine—it can feel difficult to discuss it without regressing to unproductive and frustrating interactions that leave you both […]

Is it Okay to See Your Marriage Therapist without Your Spouse?

should you see a marriage counseling alone

Most relationship therapists have a policy regarding individual sessions with clients who are attending therapy together. Sometimes counselors allow individual counseling if one party seeks it, while others do not because it can make the other partner feel like their therapist is taking sides. If you have an upcoming session and your partner can’t make […]

On Fighting Fair: How to Disagree with Your Spouse without Fighting

How to disagree with your spouse without fighting

One difference between couples in a healthy versus an unhealthy marriage isn’t whether they argue—it’s how they argue. Think about it; virtually all spouses are going to butt heads from time to time. It’s an inevitable outcome of individual minds creating a life together while still being true to themselves. In fact, a study conducted by John Gottman determined […]

4 Things to Do When Dealing With a Toxic Family Member

how to deal with a toxic family member inlaws

It’s normal to have arguments, disagreements, and moments of frustration with our in-laws and close loved ones. If the disconnect becomes harmful and toxic, far beyond the occasional “button pushing” that all family members engage in it’s time to take action. “Family.” The word is dynamic, diverse, and loaded with history—and for all of us, occasional conflict, too. How […]

Crafting the Perfect Apology for Your Spouse: A Checklist

how to craft the perfect apology for your spouse

It’s so important to make goals that are attainable and realistic in life and our relationships. Most of us have accidentally or inadvertently said or done things that upset our partners. That’s why knowing how to apologize genuinely and effectively is key to maintaining a healthy relationship. Which of these sound like a more beneficial […]

How Trauma from the Past Affect our Adult Relationships

Sometimes when we try to succeed in life, we are held back by trauma from childhood. Trauma plays a huge role in relationships. Not only does childhood trauma impact your relationship with your parent, it unconsciously influences your partner selection and can impact all of your relationships. We find that people tend to look for […]

When Parents Argue – Do Kids Notice?

Children are receptive to the intricate nuances and body language their parents display in front of them. As much as we would like to believe that our children are spared from the marital discord we experience, John Gottman’s research proves that children experience trauma when their parents argue and fight. “Marital discord can influence children […]

[Coupon Code PLUS Imago Dialogue Video Examples] Watch Harville and Helen’s New Book, ‘Doing Imago Relationship Therapy’ Come to Life!

Order Harville’s book using Coupon Code for 25% off: Norton90 at Doing Imago Relationship Therapy In the Space-Between is a MUST-HAVE book in your arsenal of tools for maximizing your therapy work. Here’s what other relationship experts are saying about it: “Straight from the creators of the highly influential Imago Relationship Therapy, this book […]

3 Insightful Ways to Bring Up an Issue With Your Spouse

Want to talk to your husband or wife about something important but don’t know how to bring it up without starting a fight or scaring them away? Whether you’re an introvert, an empath, or find it difficult to have a conversation about something important with your partner; the key to a happy marriage is communication. […]

Relationship Repair Attempts: What They Are, Why They Work & 10 Examples for Your Own Marriage

Relationship researcher Dr. John Gottman calls repair attempts the happy and emotionally intelligent couple’s “secret weapon.” Even if you’ve never heard of them before, it’s possible you and your partner already use repair attempts during conflicts. But hopeful partners be warned; using a repair attempt doesn’t necessarily guarantee it will work. Keep reading to learn more […]

Family Counseling via Skype

Families have been challenged with disputes since the beginning of time. While it’s nothing new, it doesn’t diminish the anguish and pain that comes with it. The good news is that there are even more convenient ways to address family strife through online family counseling. Online Family Counseling Family counseling is even more challenging than […]

Watch Marriage & Relationship Videos on a variety of real life topics

The following are a collection of previously recorded webinars- we wanted you to have them all on one page instead of having to search for information about our approach all over our social media channels. We may look different- as some webinar recordings are quite old- but at least you can watch and learn a […]

Understanding The 4 Attachment Styles (And How They Might Influence Your Marriage)

Let’s face it; people are complex. We all have highly personal histories that affect who we are, how we see the world, and how we interact with others. For this reason, it might sound impossible to classify individuals into a just handful of categories used to describe human nature. But decades of psychological research suggests this kind of broad categorization […]

Setting Goals As a Couple: Strategies on Lasting Achievement

We use goals to improve all areas of our lives—from health and finances to career and marriage. And accomplishing a goal isn’t even the only benefit of setting one in the first place! It turns out that the very act of setting and working toward a goal can boost your well-being and self-confidence. Having a personal mission or objective provides a […]