Marriage Counseling | Imago Couples Therapy | Marriage Restoration

Jewish Marriage Counseling Online & In-Person

Effectively Solve Your Marriage Problems Without Sacrificing Tradition. Yes, You Can Have a Wonderful, Vibrant Spiritual Marriage with Jewish Marriage Counseling

FACT: It’s not always easy to find marriage help that is both effective and in line with our Jewish values. Your Rabbi can only help so much, Jewish Family Services is bursting at the seams, and you need a skilled professional who specializes in couples work.

There are a lot of great marriage retreats out there, but many of them are Religion based and uncomfortable for Jewish couples. On the other hand, many therapists that don’t come from a faith background, may not appreciate some of the Jewish values for marriage and family and the importance of creating Shalom Bayis- that we have.

While creating peace in a marriage and connecting couples is a very spiritual endeavor, Religion is not explicitly addressed into sessions.

Why Your Search for Marriage Counseling Ends Here

We Understand You:

  • You won’t need to waste your precious time in therapy explaining Jewish Holidays and Observances.
  • We understand the nuances of Jewish life, regardless of what denomination or level of observance that you have.
  • We’re steeped in ancient wisdom as well as in the most cutting edge of couples therapy. Our credentials and Rabbinic Endorsements speak for themselves.
  • We’ve worked with people in Jewish communities across 6 continents and realize that it is not always easy to work locally.
  • We wrote the book on Jewish Marriage- Couplehood as a Spiritual Path- The Imago Journey for Jewish Couples with Dr. Harville Hendrix and co-authored and edited by Rabbi Shlomo Slatkin as well as The Jewish Marriage Book- How to Improve Your Marriage one Jewish Holiday at a time.

How Couples All Over the World are Transforming their Marriage in 2 Days

Finally! The Solution that You’ve Been Looking For…

A Comprehensive Solution with Built In “Say No to Backsliding” Followup Sessions

What Happens During the 2 Day Intensive Retreat:

My name is Rabbi Shlomo Slatkin and I am a Licensed Clinical Professional Counselor and a Certified Imago Relationships Therapist (Advanced Clinician). I’ve put together a tried and true formula for you so that that you can feel optimistic and hopeful again about enjoying a marriage that is respectful, supportive, and healthy. It would be a privilege to work with you and support you in effectively bringing back clarity and love into your relationship.

If you’re experiencing difficulties in your marriage, you NEED to have an intensive experience in order to create a breakthrough for your relationship.

And it is also crucial to have followup to integrate what you’ve learned so that your results will be long lasting- which is what you want!

Unlike a marriage workshop where you participate in a group setting with other couples, the retreat will give the privacy you need to deal with some of the most painful and personal issues you are facing in your relationship.

Privacy is of utmost important to you, and our Marriage Retreat is two full days of counseling, just you and your spouse, plus 8 followup sessions in person or on Skype. You will finally understand the underlying reasons why you chose each other, why you are now experiencing conflict, and what can help provide you with healthy, supportive tools to unburden your relationship- calmly and comfortably to achieve maximum growth and healing.

Your kids need Shalom in the home to thrive and survive. If not now, when?

What Dr. Harville Hendrix, Founder of Imago Relationship Therapy, has to say about Rabbi Shlomo Slatkin, MS, LCPC, Imago Relationship Therapist Advanced Clinician.

how to become a marriage counselorAny couple interested in restoring their marriage and sustaining it will be blessed if they follow the logical and clear steps and processes described by Rabbi Slatkin, MS, LCPC in the Marriage Restoration Project. Harville Hendrix, Ph. D. co-author with Helen LaKelly Hunt of Making Marriage Simple: Ten Truths for Changing the Relationship You Have into the Relationship You Want.

Dr. Harville Hendrix, P.h.D, founder of Imago Relationship Therapy with Rivka and Shlomo Slatkin, of


You’ve been researching a solution that will support your values and it can feel risky to go to a marriage therapist that has their own agenda for your marriage. You resonate with the high importance that Judaism places on the traditional family and you are looking for the MOST impactful and safe experience so that you can transform your relationship right away.

Our Private 2 day Marriage Restoration Retreat is a comprehensive relationship counseling solution to fixing marriage problems.


Dear Rabbi Slatkin,

My husband and I just got back from our 2 day Intensive couples counseling sessions with you. I’m not even sure where to begin! We are blown away! We are married for close to two years and in recent months our relationship kept spiraling downward as we increasingly became upset with each other due to expectations we deemed unmet as well as constant misunderstandings! We’ve been seeing another therapist who was trained in EFT for about 10 weeks but we were becoming more frustrated, despondent, and hopeless as things seemed to be getting worse versus better!!! As our last session by our previous therapist resulted in my husband angrily and frustratingly stating “I’m out of this marriage”, I realized WE MUST FIND HELP ELSEWHERE ASAP!!

Luckily, after extensive research I chanced upon your site. Somehow, the messages conveyed as you readily share your own experience with Imago therapy in your marriage and your belief in the foundation of marriage that if there are true intentions all marriages can be helped, resonated in me as true and meaningful! I am so glad I reached out! I must say my husband was very skeptical that indeed this type of therapy will be helpful and an answer to all our problems. He was especially concerned since I had SO MANY issues with him that he couldn’t fathom we’d even get trough half in 2 days. Luckily, my husband is indeed a caring, loving, and smart man and having seen my strong feelings toward this very likely helping us he surprised me by booking our 2 day intensive appointment! This has been the best gift ever!

We both feel that working with you has helped us beyond our wildest dreams. We feel that the imago process and your facilitating our dialogues was conducted with amazing dignity and expertise from your end. The sessions throughout was within a calm and respectful atmosphere which enabled us to feel safe, and vulnerable and thus allowing for healing and understanding to come about naturally and constructively!

Kudos to you for such amazing great work! Your empathy, caring, and passion for what you do along with your knowledge and expertise shown through!

May you continue helping many others who can so benefit from your work, just as we did!

Forever Grateful,

David and Esther *

Boro Park, Brooklyn, New York

By the time you finish reading this, another marriage will end in divorce. Good news, you can do something about it!

There’s nothing quite like the power of gaining clarity on a confusing situation. Complete the form below to talk with Rabbi Slatkin to see what he thinks would be best for you and your unique situation.

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