Is Facebook reigniting old flames? Facebook and divorce stories are way too familiar for some.

Facebook has been known to reignite old flames and cause problems in marriages. Here are Facebook and divorce stories that unfortunately sound way too familiar. This question was submitted to us by a husband who is hurt from overhearing his wife talking about her ex at their neighborhood block party, and is worried about whether […]
You Can Be Right or You Can Be in Relationship: Politics is ruining my marriage!
“Politics is ruining my marriage!” The recent election has people around the country in “fight to the death” mode. The nasty election cycle and the “Not My” phenomenon (#notmypresident, #notmymarch, etc) models what so many of us do in our own relationships. I’d like to address the attitude that has brought such a crisis about. […]
Your spouse comes first. That’s key to a happy marriage.

Does your spouse come first in your house? Don’t forget that is an important key to a happy marriage. With school starting for many parents this week and next, we are bombarded with both the physical preparations of school supplies and clothes shopping as well as the emotional stress and worry about our children’s new […]
How our marriage counseling books and audio can save your marriage (Podcast Interview)

If you’re a DIY type of person and you like to read advice that is sure to save a marriage, you’re in the right place. We’ll give you some links to some of the best marriage books out there including our own marriage counseling books and audio interview. More inspiration on the best marriage counseling […]
Divorce Counseling | Schedule a marriage retreat to stop divorce. It’s the best way.

Schedule a marriage retreat to stop divorce and save your marriage with divorce counseling. If you are the one considering divorce or your spouse is threatening divorce or even taking the measures to file for a divorce, an intensive experience will give you the clarity that you need about what is going on in your […]
Imago Dialogue – How Does it Solve Problems?

I recently received the following question from a reader. It is specifically in reference to an imago dialogue demo my wife and I did. After discussing one’s feelings – what then? In other words, the problem or source of irritation has been said and received, but what if the other person does not change the […]
My Spouse had an Emotional Affair – What Should I Do?

Did your spouse have an emotional affair and leave you hurt, and not knowing what to do? When most people think of an affair, they think of a physical affair. However, affairs don’t need to be physical in nature at all. It’s possible to have an emotional affair that can be just as damaging to […]
Marriage Therapy Retreats Results. Can your marriage be saved?

Those looking into marriage retreats want to know what the marriage therapy retreats results are of the program. Below we give you more detail about how we have a 90% success rate on our marriage retreats. It’s usually due to the commitment level of the couple. If you both want it to work, you can […]
Body Language and other non verbal communication problems in marriage

Did you know that there is a silent 3rd partner in your marriage? That’s your body language and your non verbal communication. You can fix your non verbal communication problems in marriage through the following communication problems we noticed in the presidential debates! More inspiration about communication problems in marriage and how to shift them: […]
How to Save a Marriage When Only One is Trying
How to save a marriage when only one is trying? If you are both contributing to your relationship nightmare, or more likely you think it’s your spouse’s fault, how can you possibly improve your relationship if you are the only one doing anything about it? Know this, that it only takes one person in the […]
Advice for a great marriage and a story about an Imago Therapist

A few years ago I attended an incredible conference in Albuquerque, New Mexico and I would like to share with you an important lesson that I witnessed. The Imago International Conference brought together Imago Relationship Therapists from around the world to increase their competency and expertise in the practice of this modality of therapy. As […]
How to Talk About Touchy Subjects using the Imago Couples Dialogue
A few years ago I had the fortune of traveling to Israel for a Jewish holiday. This trip was a long time in the making and may not have been possible if my wife and I were not versed in the Imago Couple’s Dialogue.
Learning from Mice: Research on Love and Relationships

You may be passing down your fearful memories to your children without even telling them. At least that’s what a recent study by two neurobiologists at Emory University is hypothesizing. Their findings are detailed in a recent article in Scientific American. They studied epigenetic inheritance in laboratory mice trained to fear the smell of the […]
Marriage Counseling Advice: 11 Things The Happiest Couples Avoid.

Happiness in a relationship is much more than luck; it takes a daily conscious effort to put healthy relationship habits into practice. Sounds simple, but that alone is very important marriage counseling advice. Need more inspiration? Read how to make sure marriage counseling will work for you
Hope for Change – A Marriage retreat review from Latin America

A recent Marriage retreat review from a Marriage Retreat in Latin America I wanted to share with you a few thoughts about my trip last month to Latin America for a private marriage retreat. It was quite an amazing experience and it taught me a lot about the potential for healing in even the most […]
Marriage Stress: A Change of Scenery May Help

If you feel trapped by marriage stress and stress from life in general, you may just benefit from a change of scenery.
FAQs: Your Questions About Marriage Retreats Answered

Get answers to all of your questions about retreats for couples right here. Didn’t find the answer you were looking for? Send us a question online and we’ll be in touch with answers and to help schedule your retreat. What is the Purpose of Attending a Marriage Retreat? Marriage retreats are ideal for marriages in […]
Did I Marry the Right Person?

“Did I marry the right person?” While you may expect this question to be reserved for newlyweds, unfortunately, there are couples who are grandparents still asking this question. I find this question to be one of the most destructive questions you could ask about your marriage. Living with an unhappy marriage can be one of […]
How to reduce fighting in front of the kids
How can we reduce fighting in front of the kids? This important piece of marriage advice on the topic of how to stop fighting in front of the kids, is a critical one and should be implemented the minute you finish reading this page! It can be very difficult to stop fighting in front of […]
Can I revive a failed marriage?
My daughter had a friend over recently whose own parents recently divorced. When she found out I am a marriage counselor, she said, “But isn’t it true that some marriages are just meant to fail? I mean, my parents tried everything and there was nothing more that they could do. That’s just how it was […]