Marriage Counseling | Imago Couples Therapy | Marriage Restoration

Online & in Person

Physician Burnout Marriage Retreats
2 Day Intensive Couples Retreats

Marriage counseling retreats are one of the most effective ways to address the complications in your marriage or relationship from healthcare burnout. Our Intensive Weekend Marriage Retreat uses Imago Couples Therapy, one of the most effective modalities in helping couples stay together and live happily even during times of physician burnout!

A man and woman dancing in the woods.

If you’ve landed on this page, you know that you’ve worked hard to create what you have in your life- ESPECIALLY your marriage!

You’re not ready to give up on it and you’re committed to fixing it.

For that to happen, you’re going to need more than once a week couples counseling sessions. You need bootcamp style couples therapy in an intensive retreat setting led by a relationship expert who knows the struggles couples in healthcare face. Our signature couples retreats combine intensive relationship therapy while teaching the imago communication method and technique. Experience an imago relationship therapy retreat online or in-person. Contact us to learn more about our marriage intensive weekend workshops and romantic getaway vacation packages in Costa Rica.

Meet Our Founder

Hi, I’m Rabbi Shlomo Slatkin, Licensed Clinical Professional Counselor and Certified Imago Relationship Therapist. I used to work with couples as a traditional marriage counselor – seeing couples each week for 90 minutes. But 90 minutes each week is not enough to get your marriage to a place of clarity and connection so I decided to create an intensive program so that you can finally see how your conflict is an opportunity for connection and how to enjoy that.

I’ve created a unique intensive relationship therapy process that couples go through in my private marriage retreats – where they come out of the 2 days with new hope, understanding, and compassion for each other – and the system works like clockwork.

Here’s how it works: Couples undergo therapy using my calm, clear, safe no-blame, no shame communication process that infuses new life and hope into a marriage in 2 days- by cutting down on the fighting, the reactivity, the tense eggshell-like atmosphere you’ve been experiencing- and creating an environment where you can actually talk about the important things and be heard.

This process that couples go through during the 2 day marriage therapy retreat has worked time and time again. I’d love to share it with you. Call (443) 645-0630 to learn more or schedule a time to sit with just the two of you in a retreat-like atmosphere (in a city near you) – getting away from the everyday conflict you’re experiencing at home and immersing yourself in a cloud of connection, forgiveness, love and new understanding.



Why Intensive Couples Counseling Retreats?

The fastest & most effective way for you to fix your marriage without having to wait months. Begin seeing positive results faster with an INTENSIVE therapy experience. Our intensive marriage retreats create emotional safety, teaching you to communicate effectively in a calm, clear, no blame, no shame, safe environment. We use Imago relationship therapy and the Imago communication method to help you make sense of your mess and guide you out of it. Think of it as a marriage intervention of sorts. We practice intensive Imago relationship therapy coupled with our “No Shame, No Blame” communication system because it is simply the fastest way to get results and save your marriage. Couples walk away from spending time with us in our private marriage & couples retreats more confident about how to communicate, enjoy intimacy, and live together due to the clear training and process that we show couples how to follow.


(Followup Marriage Counseling Sessions Included!)

Day 1:

Restoring Hope

6 Hours to open up your eyes to the realization that your marriage has the potential to be different.


Restoring Hope

Gain clarity with 6 hours of intensive, focused therapy designed to help you and your partner reconnect and understand each other on a deeper level. This personalized session provides actionable tools for lasting change, offering a new direction for your relationship.

Take the next step—reserve your intensive today and start transforming your marriage!

Day 2:

Hope Becomes Reality

6 Hours to turn your hope for your new relationship into reality.

Hope Becomes Reality

Turn your hopes into reality with 6 hours of intensive therapy designed to guide you and your partner toward real, lasting change. Discover new ways to build the relationship you’ve always dreamed of and make tangible progress in just one day.

Don’t wait—reserve your spot now and make your relationship transformation a reality!

8 Follow-up Counseling Sessions

8 (90 Minute) follow-up relationship therapy sessions either in person or remote video call via Skype.

8 Follow-up Counseling Sessions

Maintain your progress with 8 follow-up counseling sessions designed to deepen your connection and reinforce the breakthroughs made during the retreat. Each 90-minute session is available in person or via video call, ensuring continued growth and support.

Secure lasting change for your relationship with these personalized follow-up sessions!


Your 2 Day No Blame, No Shame Marriage Restoration Retreat was amazing but you worry about things going back to the same old same old. You now have newfound hope for your relationship. You learned great skills. But what happens when life gets back to “normal”? You’ll want to make sure that you get the greatest long-term results from this retreat.

The best way to integrate is to have follow-up that provides accountability until your skills are firmly grounded in your day to day life. We are here for you every step of the way to work towards your long-term relationship success. You’ll want a solution to backsliding and the best prevention for falling back into bad habits. These eight sessions are the best way to keep up your new hope and progress.

Our 2 Day No Blame, No Shame Marriage Restoration Retreat is For You If You Want To:


  • Finally Become Deeply Heard by your spouse through a process that feels truly safe
  • Unburden yourself from your Emotional Baggage that you bring to the relationship through breaking free of old relationship patterns
  • Transform the way you feel and react to your spouse by shedding those aggravating triggers that your spouse seems to provoke in you
  • Comfortably talk safely about any issue in your relationship and remain connected
  • Finally feel loved (maybe even for the first time ever!) by discovering your personal love language and living it out to the fullest
  • Accelerate positive behavioral changes in your spouse in ways you never thought of before
  • Achieve your relationship goals through a done-for-you plan
  • Satisfy your needs for physical and emotional connection
  • Learn how to ask for what you want and get the love you want instead of being a victim
  • Remove negativity, retaliation, reactivity, anger, and blame through our formula for detoxing your marriage



  • Heal the crushing effects of infidelity and make amends
  • Infuse New Energy and Love into your relationship
  • Establish new rituals for re-romanticizing your relationship
  • Shift the negative energy in 5 minutes or less
  • Recommit to your most important and intimate relationship
  • Understand how to move forward and leave your old marriage behind forging a new path together that is sustainable for the long haul
  • Improve communication with your husband or wife so that you both feel seen, heard, and understood.
  • Become more conscious about your role, knowing that your marriage is the greatest opportunity for your personal growth, within the context of a relationship with the person that loves you the most


How Imago Relationship Therapy Works

Not all therapists are focused on creating an environment that feels “safe” between the two of you. You know this if you’ve ever gone to counseling and you left angrier with each other than before, resulting in your partner refusing to ever come back! What is lacking for you in your marriage is that feeling of safety. Trust. Being heard without judgment and criticism.

If you can make your partner feel comfortable enough to share, a whole new realm of possibility will open up for you. That means listening to them without criticizing, without blaming, without shaming them; but deeply hearing what they say with no blame or shame. We can help you achieve your relationship goals at our in-person and virtual couples retreats featuring Imago relationship therapy.

Intensive Marriage Counseling & Couples Therapy

There is a MUCH FASTER way to reverse the course of direction that your marriage has taken and it’s not weekly therapy sessions. You need marriage intensives with Imago relationship therapy at our one-one-one marriage retreats for couples.

A couple hugging at an imago couples therapy retreat in London England UK

Why Do We Need Intensive Therapy?

You need an intensive experience, with a focus on creating safety for your relationship through a no blame, no shame communication process. Think about it. Your car engine light goes on. The mechanic needs several hours to look under the hood to do a comprehensive analysis of what is going on before he can fix it and to see what’s going on.

Trying a 50 minute counseling session to fix what has been going on for YEARS in your relationship is not going to cut it.

Start Communication Habits at Home

Consistent communication that doesn’t include any BLAME or SHAME is critical to restoring love, preserving the marriage that you’ve worked so hard to build. Are you wanting that? No doubt if you’re here, you are wishing that this is how you could communicate! Then you wouldn’t even need to think about separation or divorce! When people feel safe around each other they no longer need to act out of survival mode. There is no power struggle. Everything you’ve seen with your spouse up until now has most likely been them behaving the way they do because they feel unsafe.

And the same goes for your behavior.

If your spouse…

  • deeply heard your needs
  • supported you in every way
  • challenged you to be the best you could be
  • gave you everything you had hoped and dreamed you could get from the most important relationship of your life

Would you be happy? Would you be calm? Would your life flow? Would you feel at ease?

You would. And it would be because of the safe environment that your home would have.

A couple kissing while preparing foodImproving Marriage Intimacy by Embracing the Differing Needs of Men & Women in Relationships

Do You Agree?

Then you need The 2 Day No Blame, No Shame Marriage Restoration Retreat.

Take it from a real couple that attended one our our marriage intensive retreats.

“I didn’t think I could get my husband to come with me to your retreat. But when he saw that your process was built on a unique mechanism of a No-Blame, No Shame style of communicating- especially since I’ve been such a yeller- he agreed. We just got back from our 2 day marriage retreat with you. I’m not even sure where to begin! We are blown away…”

What if you’re not sure that your marriage can even BE saved?

Part of our intensive experience is for you to learn about YOURSELF- you own relationship history, your past unmet needs, your ability to communicate and be successful in ALL areas of your life. This is something that all partners need regardless of their spouse’s desire to change. Even if your partner doesn’t change or it looks like you still desire to consciously uncouple, you are always going to have to be in communication with your spouse especially if you have children. Your ability to communicate and go through life consciously is critical to your success in life!

what is a divorce prevention retreat

Why Get Intensive Couples Counseling?

Your marriage can become joyful again without the hassle of months of therapy to determine whether or not you even WANT to stay together. You don’t have time for that! You’re busy!

You can stop the resentment, distrust, and lingering doubts that you have about your partner.

It is possible to know with confidence and certainty that whatever decision you make it’s the right one.

Your Marriage Intensive Questions Answered

A: Marriage therapy retreats are 2 days that we (Rabbi Slatkin or one of our Imago therapists) spend working one-on-one with you and your spouse.

A: Our two day intensive retreats are essentially two days of private counseling. Instead of coming weekly to therapy for a while, you don’t need to wait to get to the root of what’s been going on because at the end of the two 6 hour days, you’ll have addressed most of what’s plaguing you in your relationship. We’ll continue the work together with you after the 2 days are complete with 8 weekly counseling sessions built into the price.

A: Each day consists of 6 hours of therapy, with an hour lunch break.

A: Just come with an open mind. We provide all the materials for you that we think will be most helpful to you and your spouse.

A: Because our retreats are private, and do not include other couples, we schedule them on 2 consecutive days that are mutually agreed upon.

After submitting your payment, contact us to schedule your dates for the retreat and we will book your free hotel stay.

A: Retreats can be paid over 6 months. Talk with us and we can walk you through the easy process.

A: Although we do not participate in any insurance networks, many of our clients are eligible to file for reimbursement from their insurance company. To find out whether your insurance plan would cover our services, please contact us and we can provide you the information you will need to ask your plan if our services are covered.

A: Religion is not incorporated in sessions unless requested by the couple. We practice Imago Relationship Therapy and our counseling is not faith based. With that said, we do have traditional values in promoting strong marriages and we do believe in working to keep a couple together when possible.




Private member site that consists of a self-guided core curriculum of 5 Modules that lead you through a step-by-step process towards learning how to be married in the best way possible. Each module contains an audio component for on the go listening, slide decks for at a glance summaries, video presentations, transcripts for easy reading, and worksheets for implementation. Includes our best-selling book  The 5 Step Action Plan to a Healthy and Happy Marriage and the movie where you can see hands-on how to apply what you learned.

Think of our marriage intensives as a private getaway where you and your spouse have the opportunity to work exclusively with us for 6 hours a day.

Unlike a marriage workshop where you participate in a group setting with other couples, the retreat will give the privacy you need to deal with some of the most painful and personal issues you are facing in your relationship.

Our mission is to save marriages so it is in our best interest that you succeed. You can with our guidance and your commitment.


As this page ends, imagine a marriage that is built on a healthy and stable foundation.


A marriage that can withstand all of life’s many challenges that are thrown its way.


So that you can both be a refuge to each other, when you come home from busy and stressful days.


  • 6 Hours of intensive therapy to open up your eyes to the realization that your marriage has the potential to be different.
  • “Personal relationship history” – Explore your personal relationship history through written exercises that will open up your eyes to your relationship stumbling blocks.
  • “Why you chose your spouse” – Learn about the missing parts of yourself and know how to reclaim them.
  • “Relationship frustration” – Experience deep healing around a difficult issue with your spouse using the Imago Dialogue practice which is a safe and comfortable way to communicate.
  • “Intentional dialogue” – Put a new tool in your toolbox for dealing with all of life’s challenges and difficult relationships.
  • “Identification of the 3 Relationship stages” – Explore the secret agenda of relationships and “diagnose” which stage of relationship you are in and how that is currently affecting your marriage and what to do about it.

Availability for 2024

If you don’t see two consecutive dates that work for you to schedule a private retreat and you would like to work with us, please call us to discuss your date preferences at 443-645-0630.

  • May 1 and 2, 2024
  • May 5 and 6, 2024
  • May 8 and 9, 2024
  • May 12 and 13, 2024
  • May 15 and 16, 2024
  • May 19 and 20, 2024
  • May 22 and 23, 2024
  • May 26 and 27, 2024
  • May 29 and 30, 2024
  • June 2 and 3, 2024
  • June 5 and 6, 2024
  • June 9 and 10, 2024
  • June 16 and 17, 2024
  • June 19 and 20, 2024
  • June 23 and 24, 2024
  • June 26 and 27, 2024
  • June 30 and July 1, 2024
  • July 3 and 4, 2024
  • July 7 and 8, 2024
  • July 10 and 11, 2024
  • July 14 and 15, 2024
  • July 17 and 18, 2024
  • July 21 and 22, 2024
  • July 24 and 25, 2024
  • July 31 and August 1, 2024
  • August 4 and 5, 2024
  • August 7 and 8, 2024
  • August 11 and 12, 2024
  • August 14 and 15, 2024
  • August 18 and 19, 2024
  • August 21 and 22, 2024
  • August 25 and 26, 2024
  • August 28 and 29, 2024


There’s nothing quite like the power of gaining clarity on a confusing situation. Complete the form below to talk with Rabbi Slatkin to see what he thinks would be best for you and your unique situation.

★ ★ ★ ★ ★

Hilda & John, Maryland *

Rabbi Slatkin and his wife are to be commended for creating this program and presenting a protocol that has immediate results with long lasting communication measures to sustain your relationship. Many, many thanks – we are relieved, happy and excited once again to look at the future…..together.

★ ★ ★ ★ ★

C & K, Baltimore, MD *

We were recovering from infidelity, separated, and hoping to get some clarity as to whether there was a future for us and our young family. We are spending more time with each other and can communicate without the constant reactivity and defensiveness that was plaguing our relationship. We can’t thank you enough for your help.

 ★ ★ ★ ★ ★

David & Esther, Brooklyn, NY *

We are blown away! This was the best gift ever! We both feel that working with you has helped us beyond our wildest dreams. We feel that the imago process and your facilitating our dialogues was conducted with amazing dignity and expertise from your end. Kudos to you for such amazing great work!

★ ★ ★ ★ ★

Ian and Vanessa, Virginia *

After the intensive, we embarked firmly on building a new type of union. After the retreat, Shlomo continued to guide us through productive sessions to build better communication and marriage building skills. We have a newly-found intimacy in our relationship now. We are forever grateful to Rabbi Slatkin for saving our marriage, saving our love!

★ ★ ★ ★ ★

Sarah, Los Angeles, CA *

We are a blended family, and Shlomo was able to help us in many areas by navigating the sessions with no judgement and  tremendous humility! I am grateful for the two day seminar and am hopeful that the tools we learned together will improve the quality of our marriage!

★ ★ ★ ★ ★

Ruth, Cleveland, Ohio*

I had little hope for our marriage surviving and wondered how we could possibly deal with two decades of hurt and dysfunction in a relatively short time. Just like the books say, having the experience of “being heard for the first time” was profoundly and instantly transformative. I can hardly think of a marriage that wouldn’t benefit from working with Rabbi Slatkin.