Marriage Counseling | Imago Couples Therapy | Marriage Restoration

Have you tried marriage counseling before? It’s very common for people to question the effectiveness of marriage counseling. And if you’ve tried marriage counseling before and it was unsuccessful for you, those doubts are even stronger!

Most often, the objections to marriage counseling are the following:

  • It won’t work
  • It will take a long time
  • It’s too much $$$
  • The therapist will take sides
  • “I’ll have to give up of myself and have to cave to my spouse’s demands
  • It won’t work because our marriage is irreparable
  • “We’ve tried marriage counseling before and it didn’t work”

Invalid Excuses People Use to Avoid Couples Therapy

Let’s go through each of those fears and objections and take a look at why we believe that marriage counseling with us WILL in fact work for you.

  1. It won’t Work. When a therapist has a proven success rate and track record, with many years of experience and happy clients and testimonials, you can allay your fears and become confident that most likely, it will work for you!
  2. It will take a long time. When you have a targeted, effective, short term solution like we offer, marriage counseling will NOT end up taking a long time. (We recommend a minimum of 12 sessions)
  3. It’s Too Much $$$/ Are you asking, “What’s the point of spending money on my marriage if it isn’t going to work anyway? The question to ask yourself really is, “And what if it DOES work?” What would your marriage be like if it did?
  4. The Therapist will take sides. When you have a neutral, safe, marriage specialist, that ONLY specializes in marital counseling, not individual counseling, your chances are much greater that your therapist will not take sides. The changes improve greatly if you choose an Imago therapist.
  5. You’ll have to give up of yourself. This goes along with the fear of the therapist taking sides and rightly so, because there are many therapists out there who are not skilled in marriage counseling which is very delicate and highly skilled practice where the damage to a marriage can be fatal when a therapist takes sides!
  6. It’s not going to work because our marriage is beyond repair. When you’ve seen it all like we have, affairs, conflicts after 30+ years of marriage, there really is no marriage that is beyond repair in our minds. We’ve seen the worst cases heal.
  7. It’s not going to work because you’ve gone to marriage counseling before. Imago is a refreshingly effective and different approach to marriage counseling. Imago gets it right the first time. Imago therapy allows us to keep couples together and happy!

Now you can choose.

You can read about why our marriage counseling success rate is 90% and a bit more about what makes our marriage counseling practice different than most local or online marriage counselors.

Choose from online Skype & Zoom relationship counseling sessions, or in-person local couples therapy sessions in Baltimore, LA, Titusville NJ, Cleveland OH, and many other locations. You can also try our signature immersive 2-day marriage counseling retreat. Contact us to find out which option may work best for you.

With best wishes for your relationship success,

Shlomo and Rivka Slatkin
  • You will receive our free 60 Second Plan to a Happy Marriage, along with transformational emails that will help you with your marriage.

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