Marriage Counseling | Imago Couples Therapy | Marriage Restoration

How do you know when your marriage is over?

how do you know when your marriage is over

How do you know when your marriage is over? This is a question asked by many who call our office and do searches on the internet for marriage help. Many experts and couples themselves (and maybe even you) think that it is possible for couples to simply grow apart and that alone is a valid […]

What are the Five Love Languages and How Can Knowing Them Help You?

five love languages

There are five unique love languages that determine how we as individuals receive our partner’s love the most intensely. Knowing these love languages and determining you and your spouse’s will help you express your love for one another more productively in a way that they receive it the best. “You don’t really love me!” How […]

Boundaries with the Inlaws

boundaries with the inlaws

Question: I am not looking forward to spending the holidays with my in-laws as it creates a lot of stress in our marriage. Whenever I share with my husband my feelings about his parents and my desire to set boundaries with the inlaws, he always gets defensive and stands up for them over me. I […]

My Marriage is in Crisis: How Can I Get my Wife to Love Me Again?

how can I get my wife to love me again

“How can I get my wife to love me again?” is a question that many husbands ask themselves, especially when their wives are giving them the cold shoulder or the silent treatment. This marriage crisis may feel impossible to overcome and is definitely the “elephant in the room” if you’re walking around wondering how to […]

Marriage Problems. We all have them, what are yours?

Every couple experiences marriage problems at some point in their relationship. Some couples have big problems, some small, but we all have them. You may be pushing away the problems, hoping they’ll go away. Or perhaps you try to speak about the problems to your spouse to try to fix them, and it only makes […]

Effective Communication…even when your spouse won’t talk to you

when your spouse won't talk to you

A story for you: hope for when your spouse won’t talk to you. About a year ago I received a call from a woman who was interested in couples counseling. There was one problem: her husband refused to come to a marriage counseling. I gave her some pointers about how to help her husband become […]

How to be a good father

how to be a good father

How to be a good father? Although fathers may often seem like silent partners in raising children, their role or lack thereof is quite impactful on the lives of both sons and daughters. As we age and become parents, we undoubtedly become aware of the importance of fathers. Many of these lessons were implicit in […]

Getting our *New* Marriage Counseling Office Ready! Photo Essay

marriage counseling office

New Marriage Counseling Maryland Office-Photo Essay We’re excited to have a new marriage counseling office in Baltimore, MD. Our previous building had been bought by a different owner and so we decided to move to a quaint little building in the heart of Pikesville, MD. We think you’ll find the space cozy and quiet, perfect […]

Parenting Methods: When Your Child Does Things You Don’t Want Them To Do

parenting methods

No Judgment here on Baltimore Mom of the Year! Comment on the choice of parenting methods used by Baltimore Mom of the Year, Toya Graham, and you’ll spark a whole lot of debate. More parenting advice and inspiration on parenting methods that work: Why being a good parent isn’t enough 5 things your child wishes […]

Save your Marriage in 2 Days with our Online Marriage Counseling Services

overcoming negativity in marriage

If you’re someone that is looking to save your marriage immediately and you’re not so keen on going to marriage counseling in-person, online marriage counseling services are your best option. More inspiration about marriage counseling online: How does marriage counseling work online? Would we be using Skype? Online marriage counseling- is it real? Self Guided […]

How to Achieve Marital Intimacy – The Greatest Pleasure of All.

Love will keep us together. True or False? Couples panic when they no longer “love” their spouse. When they no longer feel attracted to their partner or want to have sex with him/her. But is this reason to divorce? More inspiration about achieving marital intimacy: Sex education for married couples: how to keep the spark […]

Supporting a Spouse with Illness

spouse with illness

We recently interviewed an author and psychotherapist local to Baltimore by the name of Israela Meyerstein. She wrote a book on the topic of How to cope with Illness. We were especially curious what advice she has for someone who has a spouse with illness. Her wonderful book is called, Bridge to Healing; Finding Strength […]

How can I fix my marriage by myself?

Many of you want to know if it is possible to fix your marriage by yourself, without your spouse’s involvement in the process. In our latest podcast episode, we answer the question, “How Can I Fix My Marriage By Myself?” You can listen below or click here to take the 10 Step Challenge to Win […]

How the News is Ruining My Marriage & Creating Relationship Stress

relationship stress

With all of the stress that is going on in the world and in the news- coupled with managing work, the family, and all of your day to day responsibilities, it’s no wonder that our relationships are on edge and suffering from “relationship stress”. More inspiration about relationship stress: Everything you’ve wanted to know about […]

For “Victims” of the Ashley Madison Hack

The debacle via live @FOXBaltimore Interview: If you are “victim” of the Ashley Madison hack, know that you’re going to  need to work hard to save your marriage. More inspiration on how to save a relationship after an affair: Thinking about having an affair? Read this first Marriage counseling specializing in affair recovery As bad […]

Taking our Own Relationship Advice! 5 Things We are Thankful for

relationship advice

As we mention regularly in our relationship advice, it is always good to cultivate the attitude of gratitude in your relationships. As this week is Thanksgiving for those of us in the United States, we thought we would share with you some of the things we have been grateful for recently.

A Narcissistic Husband?

how to apologize

Being married to a narcissistic husband or wife can feel devastating, shaming, and utterly alone. You’re afraid to talk about it to anyone because your spouse will threaten you. Here’s what you need to know about being married to a narcissist husband or wife. “My narcissistic husband and I fight constantly and when I told […]

When all your friends around you are getting divorced

marriage lecture

In our latest podcast episode, Shlomo and Rivka talked about the phenomenon of divorce being contagious and when all your friends around you are getting divorced. More inspiration about friends and divorce: Is a friend meddling in your marriage? When all your friends around you are getting divorced Friends and Frenemies: How helps you feel […]

For all the adult children of divorce

In our recent podcast on the topic of Adult Children of Divorce, Rivka shared that she feels that she is showing up as mom and as wife with an inherent lack of skills and resources. More inspiration for adult children of divorce: Let all your relationships become healthy ones A letter to Angelina Jolie: Before […]