Shlomo & Rivka’s Corner

Rabbi Shlomo and his wife, Rivka, were once that struggling couple—nearly two decades ago. After facing their own challenges in 23 years of marriage, raising five kids, and working with thousands of couples, they developed a powerful approach to healing relationships. Their personal journey from conflict to deep connection inspired them to dedicate their lives to helping others do the same.

Parenting Advice: What Your Child Wishes You Knew…But Won’t Tell You
As parents, you surely want the best for your children. You focus tremendous amounts of energy on trying to provide the ideal nurturing environment for

Five Things Your Husband Wishes You Would Know But Won’t Tell You
There are many things your husband would love for you to know about him but he just won’t tell you. Is he purposely not sharing
What is the marriage counseling success rate of the best counselors?
It makes sense that you’d want to know the marriage counseling success rate of the best couples counselors out there offering marriage reconciliation before you
Can a marriage survive a midlife crisis?
Can a marriage survive a midlife crisis? We think so, although it can be very scary and unsettling for the spouse that is watching the

When you’re married to a spouse with depression.
Today’s news has been filled with the passing of actor Robin Williams. What is most tragic is that someone who had brought joy to millions

Harville Hendrix and Imago Therapy: An Amazing Gift to the World
Oprah was the first person to make Harville Hendrix and Imago Therapy famous. It became one of the biggest gifts in the world of marriage

“The Dangers of Diagnosis” II- When Spouse has a Personality Disorder
The article on the Dangers of Diagnosis produced very strong responses on both sides of the spectrum. I would like to acknowledge some of the
How to reduce fighting in front of the kids
How can we reduce fighting in front of the kids? This important piece of marriage advice on the topic of how to stop fighting in

Did I Marry the Right Person?
“Did I marry the right person?” While you may expect this question to be reserved for newlyweds, unfortunately, there are couples who are grandparents still

Marriage Stress: A Change of Scenery May Help
If you feel trapped by marriage stress and stress from life in general, you may just benefit from a change of scenery.

Learning from Mice: Research on Love and Relationships
You may be passing down your fearful memories to your children without even telling them. At least that’s what a recent study by two neurobiologists

Your spouse comes first. That’s key to a happy marriage.
Does your spouse come first in your house? Don’t forget that is an important key to a happy marriage. With school starting for many parents
“I don’t love my husband anymore.” Falling out of love?
I don’t love my husband anymore. We hear this a lot. It’s scary to feel like you’re falling out of love. Here’s how to love
My spouse is cheating. Marriage Counseling advice for some clarity.
It’s hard to pull someone out of an active affair. There are some things that you can do to work on yourself while your spouse

Free Online Marriage Counseling on Household Management
When we were first married, we realized quickly that both of us had different ideas of what de-cluttering the house “should” look like. This free
How to deal with financial problems in marriage
Financial problems in marriage are very serious and are one of the top reasons that couples divorce. Money need not be a catalyst for divorce

Marriage and Family therapy or Individual therapy for past relationship baggage?
Marriage and family therapy or Individual therapy? If you have a lot of baggage from childhood, it’s common to wonder if you should first seek

When is it time to give up on your marriage and file for divorce?
If your marriage is currently a miserable one, not giving you the basic things that you feel a marriage should be giving you, it’s perfectly

Why are we always fighting? We’re not married yet and already need marriage help.
Why are we always fighting? It’s hard when you’re not even married yet and you’re fighting. And it’s completely normal. We’re going to explain why

Love again- 3 ways to infuse love into your relationship
When you are going through a rough patch in your marriage, it’s hard to believe that you’ll ever love again. If you follow the following

Marriage Success Stories

Get effective relationship help even if you’ve tried couples counseling before.