Shlomo & Rivka’s Corner

Rabbi Shlomo and his wife, Rivka, were once that struggling couple—nearly two decades ago. After facing their own challenges in 23 years of marriage, raising five kids, and working with thousands of couples, they developed a powerful approach to healing relationships. Their personal journey from conflict to deep connection inspired them to dedicate their lives to helping others do the same.

Social media is ruining my marriage!
If you often think, “Social media is ruining my marriage!”, here are 3 rules you need to follow: More information on Social Media and Your

Is your love language- gifts?
While most people appreciate gifts, for some it is a CRUCIAL way in which they feel loved. If you hear your spouse complaining that you

How to get that honeymoon feeling back! 8 tips to rekindle the flame.
Want to get that honeymoon feeling back? Here are eight tips to rekindle the flame that really work: 1. Look into each other eyes Life

How to communicate with your spouse around politics.
How to communicate with your spouse around politics? It’s important to note that divisiveness and politics often go hand-in-hand. Especially in a two-party political system

A letter to Angelina Jolie: Before you end your marriage permanently…
Curious about what happened in the Angelina Jolie Brad Pitt divorce? Read our letter to Angelina Jolie: Before you end your marriage permanently…

Are you feeling utterly drained in your marriage?
Some of us are feeling utterly drained in our relationship, in our roles. Perhaps you just finished the summer with your kids all home wanting

Should I save my marriage?
“Should I stay or should I go? Should I save my marriage?” Ending a relationship is never easy. If you are calling it quits and

6 Interesting holiday activities for families to bond
If you’re looking for holiday activities for families to bond, here are 6 interesting and smart tips: More inspiration on the holidays and activities for

Change your thoughts about your Marriage.
One of our readers recently sent me this quote: “I’m glad that what’s going on in my head isn’t happening in my life.” This made

What do happy couples do differently?
What do happy couples do differently? More inspiration about happy couples and what happy couples do differently: Want to be one of the lucky ones?

Want to be one of the lucky ones? What it takes to have a happy marriage.
What it takes to have a happy marriage. While it may appear obvious, the couples that make it are those that are committed to making

Break out of a “Marriage Rut” and why do Marriages Fail?
Why do marriages fail? Why are some couples successful at breaking free from a “marriage rut” and why are some not? More inspiration for breaking
Things to tell your Spouse everyday to Keep The Spark Alive
Things to tell your spouse everyday so that you don’t fall into a rut and keep the spark alive? Do tell! More inspiration on how

What advice do you have for couples that own businesses together?
What’s it like relationship-wise for couples that own businesses together? We work together on our marriage counseling business together and are quite familiar with both
Feeling Lonely in a Relationship? Time for Self-Care
Sometimes we can feel lonely even when we’re surrounded by our family and in a marriage relationship. Sometimes the best thing we can do is
For all the adult children of divorce
In our recent podcast on the topic of Adult Children of Divorce, Rivka shared that she feels that she is showing up as mom and

When all your friends around you are getting divorced
In our latest podcast episode, Shlomo and Rivka talked about the phenomenon of divorce being contagious and when all your friends around you are getting
For “Victims” of the Ashley Madison Hack
The debacle via live @FOXBaltimore Interview: If you are “victim” of the Ashley Madison hack, know that you’re going to need to work hard to

Kabbalah Counseling and Celebrity Divorces
Much was reported a few years ago when Hollywood celebrities Demi Moore and Ashton Kutcher turned to Kabbalah as a “last-ditch” effort to save their

Love Again. A Lesson from Passover.
As we approach Passover (Pesach), I have been thinking a lot about how couples can release themselves from the bondage of their negativity and learn

Marriage Success Stories

Get effective relationship help even if you’ve tried couples counseling before.