Marriage Counseling | Imago Couples Therapy | Marriage Restoration

Rivka’s Quarantine Diary Day 1 | Keeping Kids on a Schedule & Meditation

March 16, 2020 Our quarantine officially started yesterday, on Monday, March 16, 2020. We had actually quarantined ourselves voluntarily starting the previous Thursday because it seemed that we were sick with various flu, allergies, and colds. So this isn’t really day 1 and it feels like we’ve already been quarantined for a week! Managing Kids’ […]

Your Concerns About Attending Marriage Counseling at a Retreat Answered

If you’ve been wanting to work on your marriage by way of counseling and education at a marriage retreat, we’ve just announced the next 4 workshop dates for 2020 in Maryland and New York! Some people have questions and concerns about privacy, cost, and effectiveness of marriage retreats. Let’s go through those concerns and answer […]

What types of couples go to retreats for counseling?

People want to know what types of couples come to our marriage retreats? >>>>>People who come to our retreats with their partner either want to save their marriage or have one foot out the door. Some couples want to do something to help improve their relationship, to keep the spark alive and improve upon things. […]

Marriage Counseling Audio Books

Excited to have just turned our book Marriage Counseling 101: The 5 Step Action Plan to a Happy & Healthy Marriage into an audio book version for!   Free Marriage Counseling Audio Books If you’d like a free trial of Audible and a copy of our book, go ahead and get your copy here […]

We’re Growing! Help us Welcome Our Newest Therapists

Looking for marriage counseling near you, only to find that our Baltimore counseling office is too far to travel? If you want to find someone that is convenient to get to but also skilled, you’re in luck. The Marriage Restoration Project just added four new practitioners at locations across the United States including New York, […]

Why Does the Divorce Rate Decrease as Education Level Increases?

People who have a college education are less likely to get divorced than those who didn’t finish college. In fact, lower divorce rates have a direct relationship with a person’s level of education. A study1 by the Bureau of Labor and Statistics offers a theory that people with a higher level of education, and consequently […]

How Anxiety Affects Marriage & Relationships & Tips to Stop It

Anxiety affects family relationships, romantic relationships, and professional working relationships, and relationships with friends. Many people who experience anxiety do not know how far-reaching anxiety affects their relationships. Keep reading to learn about different types of anxiety, how they each affect relationships, and what you can do to minimize or stop it. Types of Anxiety […]

What should I do when my husband ignores me?

If your husband ignores you, you may be feeling uncomfortable, sad, or even mad. Keep reading to gain more clarity about what is happening and what you can do to positively impact the situation. Reasons Your Husband Ignores You While there are many possible reasons you are feeling ignored by your husband, here are a […]

Military Spouse Entitlement During Separation and Divorce

Military members and their spouses, just like people who have no military connection, may decide to legally separate. Sometimes, they have hope that their marriage can be restored. Some may decide to enter a legal separation indefinitely so that the nonmilitary spouse can retain some spousal benefits. In other cases, the military spouse may abandon his […]

It takes a village. Group marriage retreats can be so healing.

group marriage retreats

We needed childcare. The grandparents were away, Rivka’s sisters were out of town, babysitters weren’t available. I was getting desperate, we were scheduled to go present our group marriage retreat, called the Getting the Love You Want Workshop in Brooklyn, NY and I needed coverage for the kids. Getting desperate, I decided to ask a mother […]

Before getting divorced please do this!

The main reason why Rivka and I started The Marriage Restoration Project was so that children would not have to go through what she experienced as a little girl caught in the middle of her parent’s bitter divorce. This is still a motivator for us, to help create happy, loving families. So it becomes quite […]

What to do if you’re in a boring marriage?

Many of you feel like you’re in a boring marriage. Trying to decide what to do about it- if you should stay or go. It’s a huge decision to make and we don’t want you to make it hastily. After all, your spouse is a lovely person. He may be a great dad or she’s […]

Tips to Help Listen to Your Spouse Without Getting Defensive

One of the hardest things to do is to listen without getting defensive and reactive. And you know by now, that if you don’t know how to listen, the fight will escalate and worsen. The following video will give you 3 tips to help listen to your spouse without getting defensive. It was originally recorded […]

Money Fights in Relationships: Why Men & Women React Differently

Money can be a constant source of stress and it can impact your marriage and relationship every single day. You may already know how much MONEY creates fights in marriage and relationships, but did you know that men and women react differently to money issues? Let’s learn more about how we react differently, what triggers […]

KonMari Your Thoughts (Especially About Your Partner)

We wrote about the KonMari method years ago in 2017 and now we’re talking about it again with regards to your thoughts, with the new launch of the KonMari TV show! Decluttering a physical space can be a challenge and what’s even more of a challenge is to KonMari your thoughts and beliefs that no […]

When To Hold On To A Relationship Even If It Feels Like It’s Falling Apart

Should you hold on to a relationship even if it’s making you miserable? It is normal for relationship to enter a power struggle. In this relationship stage, it can often feel like the relationship will not last. The truth is that if the couple works on getting conscious about the conflict and discovering the underlying […]

Long Term Relationship Advice (Based on Science)

This long term relationship advice is based on science. It’s so that you can remain alluring to a partner in a long-term relationship, and keep the spark alive, in a way that is backed by science.   Long Term Relationships Need New Neural Pathways Learning something or having a new experience together builds new neural […]

Marriage after baby. What’s normal? What’s not?

Marriage isn’t over after you have a baby. Sure it might seem like it. All that is required are a few tweaks and you’ll get back on track in your marriage after baby.   Did you know? It can be attractive for a woman to see her husband in the fatherly role, taking care of […]