Marriage Counseling | Imago Couples Therapy | Marriage Restoration

How to cope with grief after a divorce or breakup

It is normal to experience grief after a divorce or breakup. It is hard ending a long-term relationship. Some of the feelings that arise are sadness, anger or resentment, and guilt. These are all feelings that can come up in the grieving process. While you may be sad that the relationship has ended, you may […]

When Your Partner Brings Work Stress Home

Even if your spouse is working from home these days, you might be feeling frustrated by how much they “take” their work home with them or the amount of stress and focus they give to their job. Work stress is common and it does impact relationships. It’s important for a couple to work on creating […]

Are you a saver or spender? Do your spouse’s money habits upset you?

Some people are savers, others are spenders. These personalities type are formed based on what we saw growing up. Some are consistent with what we saw and others do the opposite of what we saw. Either way, our early models impact our money personalities. Awareness of money types and childhood beliefs about money help couples […]

When your spouse is unreliable

Feeling like your spouse is unreliable is very disappointing. It’s hard enough raising a family, going to work, dealing with all of the responsibilities of life! Not being able to depend on the other adult in your immediate compounds that difficulty. What to do when your partner is unreliable There are several reasons why your […]

Should you work on your own “stuff” before trying couples work?

For many couples, or one partner, even going to marriage counseling is a big stretch.  You may be afraid the therapist will take sides or blame you. You may even think that addressing the situation will make it worse.  That’s why it is extremely unhelpful for a therapist to tell one partner that he/she needs […]

How do you know if you need marriage counseling?

If you’re wondering when it’s time to think about going to marriage counseling, know that here are signs that a couple would benefit from marriage counseling and some of those signs may seem obvious to one and not appear obvious to another! Signs that marriage counseling can be beneficial for you The littlest conversations turn […]

What is the best marital therapy? How is Gottman different from Imago therapy?

With all of the choices of marriage counselors practicing different kinds of therapy modalities out there, how can you know what is the best marital therapy and most importantly, what is the best marriage help for your unique situation? Let’s talk about the differences between Gottman therapy and Imago therapy as those are two very […]

When your partner upsets with negativity

Sometimes there’s a situation in a relationship where one partner is working hard to be more positive and the other partner is consistently negative. This can start as a minor annoyance and grow to something catastrophic for a marriage. It’s a relationship dynamic that can be incredibly hard, especially for the one that is working […]

What to do if you are no longer physically attracted to your spouse?

Life happens, kids happen, weight gain happens. And sometimes our partner can look very different than they did when we first met. What can you do if you are no longer physically attracted to your partner? Let’s think back to when you first fell in love and knew you wanted to commit to the one […]

Are there any couples that are beyond help? Is it ever just too late?

Lots of couples talk with us about their situation and then ask if they’re the worst couple we’ve ever seen. The answer is usually no of course 🙂 Underneath their question is a deeper one which is- “Are we beyond hope? Is this just too messy to fix and is it just too late for […]

When You Physically Recoil from Your Spouse Due to Past Sexual Trauma

Any past traumatic experience keeps a person in survival mode- a tensing of the physical body and the mind – as the brain has one job, which is to keep you safe. Anything that reminds you of the past trauma is going to trigger you and make you feel super reactive all the time because […]

How Trauma from the Past Affect our Adult Relationships

Sometimes when we try to succeed in life, we are held back by trauma from childhood. Trauma plays a huge role in relationships. Not only does childhood trauma impact your relationship with your parent, it unconsciously influences your partner selection and can impact all of your relationships. We find that people tend to look for […]

[Coupon Code PLUS Imago Dialogue Video Examples] Watch Harville and Helen’s New Book, ‘Doing Imago Relationship Therapy’ Come to Life!

Order Harville’s book using Coupon Code for 25% off: Norton90 at Doing Imago Relationship Therapy In the Space-Between is a MUST-HAVE book in your arsenal of tools for maximizing your therapy work. Here’s what other relationship experts are saying about it: “Straight from the creators of the highly influential Imago Relationship Therapy, this book […]

Family Counseling via Skype

Families have been challenged with disputes since the beginning of time. While it’s nothing new, it doesn’t diminish the anguish and pain that comes with it. The good news is that there are even more convenient ways to address family strife through online family counseling. Online Family Counseling Family counseling is even more challenging than […]