You want to make sure you find the best marriage retreat for the both of you. You’re apprehensive, not sure what to expect.
In the best marriage retreats, these 4 things listed below will be what you can expect to happen to you.
Need some inspiration? Check out these resources:
- Should you attend a marriage retreat to save your marriage?
- The Getting the Love You Want Marriage Retreat is Magical
- Marriage Therapy Retreat Results. Can this marriage be saved?
- You’ll rediscover why you fell in love– You’ll take a trip down memory lane and understand why you picked each other. Take these fond memories with you to help give you purpose to the efforts you are making to save your marriage and motivate you to rekindle that spark even after the retreat! (Ask your retreat leaders if they offer followup- we include 2 months of  followup post retreat for maximum integration
- You’ll feel heard like never before– Learn the Imago Dialogue process so you can communicate about the most difficult issues in a safe and connected way. Even if you have talked about the same issues before for years, you’ll undoubtedly feel heard and understood in a whole new way.
- You’ll see your partner in a whole new light– As you discover about what’s really going on in your relationship, you’ll shift your perspective about your partner. You’ll better understand the source of undesirable behavior and will develop more compassion for each other instead of judgment.
- You will have implementable steps to do on a daily and weekly basis to transform your marriage. You’ll also create a relationship vision to help lead the way so you can make your dreams a reality.