Marriage Counseling | Imago Couples Therapy | Marriage Restoration

Rivka’s Quarantine Diary Day 3 | Missing Adult Interaction in Quarantine with Kids

March 18, 2020

Third-Day of Covid Quarantine with My Kids

Feeling like I miss interacting with other adults.

I invited past attendees of our Getting the Love You Want Workshop to join us on a Zoom night as I’ve seen other Imago therapists do online.  Nothing heavy or anything like that, just to see each other’s faces, help with any overwhelm or anxiety that people are feeling, and connect with each other.

Because my life is all about relationships, it fills up my “bucket” when others benefit from our work and these people sometimes become friends 🙂

Your Thoughts on Group Workshops Online

Shlomo and I do have future decisions to make about whether we cancel our in-person group GTLYW workshops entirely in May and June, leave them on the calendar, or attempt to perform them online. Hosting the group workshop online would be a change from what was definitely an in-person experience with camaraderie, food, multimedia, work, and fun.

While we have no problem leading our private retreats online as we have many times before, I feel like the group workshop would be missing some benefits if held exclusively online. But we’re all missing something a little right now, so perhaps an online group retreat might be a much-needed alternative for the sake of social distancing and health.

What are your thoughts?

Feeling Grateful

Feeling grateful that we are all healthy physically. We did all have a week of the flu and while some of us had minor aches and pains but it was nothing compared to the severe respiratory distress that others are experiencing with the virus.

Feeling grateful that my kids’ school teachers have been sending videos and lesson plans daily for the kids to complete along with classroom buddy assignments for course material review.

Feeling grateful that my husband is taking over a lot of meal prep, cooking, and kitchen management as he is a lot quicker and more adept in the kitchen than I.

Couples in Quarantine

I’ve been wondering how others are doing in quarantine together. It’s been relatively easy over here so far, though the kids are getting on each other’s nerves and at times I feel testy with Shlomo 🙂

Apparently we aren’t the only ones thinking about the issue as media outlets like The Wall Street Journal are writing pieces about couples in quarantine together and how they are managing. Shlomo always says that this is a wonderful time for couples to lean in and work on their relationship space together.

It can be hard to do if a couple isn’t in a good place right now and one suggestion he made is for couples to fill out our Relationship Vision Couples Reconnection Journal, which includes relationship questions that help people get to know each other with fun questions and conversation prompts.

Daily Quarantine Questions

Been enjoying various Facebook memes and jokes online in addition to the more meaningful posts about how we all can adapt and be resilient through this time (which it seems most people I know are handling with grace.)

This one from Issachar Schneiderman is a great way to keep a semblance of order during our unstructured moments.

Been seeing posts go around about making this quarantine period like the Sabbath. As Orthodox Jews we are curious as to what our non-Jewish friends think of this and if they have any questions for us about our Sabbath? You can always Post directly to us on Facebook, or message us directly using Facebook Messenger, or send us an email with your questions.

We’re happy to answer anything you want to know 🙂

Thinking of you,


P.S. One of the teens requiring the most structure decided to paint her entire bathroom which kept her busy for most of two days. 👀 Who knew you could paint tile???








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Picture of Shlomo & Rivka Slatkin

Shlomo & Rivka Slatkin

Rabbi Shlomo Slatkin is an Imago relationship therapist and certified (master level) Imago workshop presenter with over 20 years of experience hosting couples therapy retreats in-person and online.

Picture of Shlomo & Rivka Slatkin

Shlomo & Rivka Slatkin

Rabbi Shlomo Slatkin is an Imago relationship therapist and certified (master level) Imago workshop presenter with over 20 years of experience hosting couples therapy retreats in-person and online.


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