Is your unwilling spouse not wanting to work on your marriage with you?
Married to an unwilling spouse who won’t work on your relationship with you? One of the questions I am frequently asked by readers, is what do I do if my spouse is not interested in working on the relationship. I would like to share an amazing email I received last week from one of our […]
Free Online Marriage Counseling on Household Management

When we were first married, we realized quickly that both of us had different ideas of what de-cluttering the house “should” look like. This free online marriage counseling on household management is a rudimentary step to make your marriage successful. More inspiration on household management as a couple: The 4 Clutter Personality Types Start with […]
Can books and Marriage Videos truly save your marriage?
We know that there are many people out there that are timid about going to marriage counseling. Perhaps they’re afraid of “dredging” up old baggage, or concerned that a marriage counselor will take “sides” with their spouse, or they think that the process of working on their relationship is going to take many, many counseling […]
What to do when you feel like you’re falling out of love?

What to do when you feel like you’re falling out of love? Have you ever heard people say love is a verb? Love isn’t something that you just “feel” for a person, it’s something that grows with time. More hope and inspiration for if you feel like you’re falling out of love: Staying present in […]
Roommates or Soulmates? What to do when you’re falling out of love.
What to do when you’re falling out of love. “I don’t feel love anymore!” “I don’t love my husband anymore” “I want to love my wife again”. Do these thoughts feel familiar? It’s scary to feel like you’re falling out of love! Remember when you first got married, ready to conquer the world? There was […]
When is Divorce the best Option? Last ditch marriage counseling.

Question from a Reader: “My husband wants a divorce and I don’t. Please tell me how to stop a divorce and find last ditch marriage counseling” More inspiration for how to stop a divorce and find last ditch marriage counseling that works: The quickest way to awaken love Falling out of love? Avoid divorce with […]
What is The Best Way to Stop a Divorce?

What is the best way to stop a divorce? Are you the one that is initiating the divorce? Or are you the one whose spouse is serving divorce papers to? If your marriage is currently a miserable one, not giving you the basic things that you feel a marriage should be giving you, it’s perfectly […]
My spouse is cheating. Marriage Counseling advice for some clarity.
It’s hard to pull someone out of an active affair. There are some things that you can do to work on yourself while your spouse is cheating, though that’s probably the last thing you want to hear. More support for you while one spouse is cheating: Overcoming negativity, a crucial step. What you can learn […]
How to save a marriage by understanding the 3 relationship stages.

Are you and your spouse struggling to see eye-to-eye and you want to save your relationship? Learning the three stages of marriage can help you realize which stage you are in, and identify hurdles you’ll need to overcome to get to the last stage (real love). You might be wishing you never fell in love […]
Detox negativity from your marriage

One of the topics we address in the 5 Step Plan to a Happy Marriage is the danger of negativity in a relationship. Let’s talk more about overcoming negativity in marriage and why you must master this in order to begin learning how to save a marriage and avoid falling out of love. It doesn’t take […]
Marriage Problems and Tunnel Vision

I have noticed an interesting phenomenon about marriage problems and even parenting problems. Usually, a husband or wife calls me and complains about her husband or his wife, describing how he/she is the reason for their marriage problems. Sometimes it can be a parent calling to complain about their child acting out. More inspiration about […]
“I don’t love my husband anymore.” Falling out of love?
I don’t love my husband anymore. We hear this a lot. It’s scary to feel like you’re falling out of love. Here’s how to love your husband again. Are you spending any quality time together? Are you doing any positive activities for your relationship? Why don’t you love him anymore? Are you not attracted to […]
FAQs about our Marriage Counseling Practice
We’d like to give you an opportunity to read up on some of the frequently asked questions that we receive about our marriage counseling practice. If you have a question that has not been addressed below, please don’t hesitate to contact us. Please also read the following blog post: How to make sure marriage counseling […]
Facebook and Divorce Stories

Unfortunately, it is all too easy to “exit” from your spouse and from your marriage by logging onto social media sites like Facebook. There are many Facebook and divorce stories specifically with regards to how Facebook destroyed their marriage- or rather, destroyed their spouse’s willingness to participate in the marriage. More relationship help on the […]
Facebook and Divorce Part I, Divorce Statistics due to Facebook

Facebook and divorce has a bigger impact on marriages than previously thought. A new survey conducted by U.K. divorce website found that 33 percent of divorce petitions in 2011 contained references to Facebook. Another survey by the American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers found that “Facebook holds the distinction of being the unrivaled leader for online […]
Facebook and Divorce Statistics Part II

Facebook and Divorce Part I prompted many reader comments. Some asked the question, “Does Facebook really CAUSE divorce? Here are more Facebook and divorce statistics: Facebook and Divorce Part I Is Facebook reigniting old flames? Facebook and divorce Personal stories
Does Online Couples Counseling Work? Is it Real?

Some things just don’t seem like they would work out, like going to couples counseling online. However, some types of online couples therapy really works. If you’ve used Skype or any technology that has helped you keep in touch with someone that is not living with you in your home, you CAN experience very […]
“I love you but I am not in love with you”.

“I love you but I am not in love with you”. It is so painful to be the husband of a wife who suddenly tells you that she is no longer in love with you. If she is unwilling to get marriage help from a professional or seek out marriage counseling, you’re going to have […]
Premarital Counseling Questions, Worksheets & Workbooks
Premarital counseling and education is becoming more and more prevalent, and is even a requirement in some faith communities by those officiating at the wedding. While some couples enter premarital counseling because they are already experiencing relationship issues or are expecting challenges based on their own relationship history, there are many who enter premarital counseling […]
Helping your spouse with PTSD & trauma

Is your spouse or someone you love suffering from trauma? Here’s how to help a loved one and spouse with ptsd.