Marriage Counseling | Imago Couples Therapy | Marriage Restoration

Reestablishing Trust After Infidelity

reestablishing trust after infidelity

Learning that your partner was physically intimate with someone else can leave you reeling. But despite how painful it can be, infidelity is not necessarily the beginning of the end for every marriage. For some couples, an extramarital affair even acts as a powerful, if unwanted, catalyst for positive growth within the relationship. As devastating […]

Communication After Infidelity is Hard: Here Are 5 Tips to Improve It

tips to improve communication after infidelity in marriage

Learning how to communicate again after experiencing infidelity is one of the most difficult obstacles one can experience in a lifetime. However, its worth putting in the work because a couple can never experience a deep connection emotionally if they cannot express themselves and feel understood. Infidelity is painful and creates so much uncertainty, pain, […]

Control Issues in a Relationship

“Control issues” usually stem from fear or anxiety. When a person is afraid of an outcome or wants things to be a certain way, they can become rigid. By feeling a sense of control, they can reduce their anxiety and feel that they have power. While it is easy to label someone as controlling, it […]

Should you work on your own “stuff” before trying couples work?

For many couples, or one partner, even going to marriage counseling is a big stretch.  You may be afraid the therapist will take sides or blame you. You may even think that addressing the situation will make it worse.  That’s why it is extremely unhelpful for a therapist to tell one partner that he/she needs […]

What is Financial Infidelity? 8 Signs to Look Out for (And What to Do About It)

It’s often said that conflict over money is one of the leading causes of divorce. And with nearly three-quarters of Americans experiencing financial worry right now, it’s reasonable to presume many marriages across the country are facing increasing strain and challenge. For some couples, money conflict can progress to a damaging situation known as financial infidelity. While financial infidelity doesn’t generally […]

How Marriage Intensives can help you stop marital fights before they start

marriage intensives

While it’s unreasonable to think that marriage intensives will eradicate all conflict in a relationship, they can definitely help. By getting to the core issues of your relationship and teaching you practical tools that will help you navigate through the difficult topics and feel more connected, you will find yourself feeling closer to each other […]

Marriage Mistakes Couples Make (not just communication problems) & How to Fix ’em

We often get asked, “What are the marriage mistakes that you see couples making most often in their marriage and in their relationships?” While there are many mistakes that couples could be making (especially with regards to communication and communication problems in marriage), here are two that we see often, that are not too hard […]

Marriage Counseling Specializing in Affair Recovery

marriage counseling specializing in affair recovery

If you’ve come to this page you’re looking to find marriage counseling specializing in affair recovery to see if it can help your situation where you or your spouse have likely had an affair. You’re in pain. Whether you’re experiencing feelings of anger, betrayal, shame or guilt, you’re suffering. You want to know if your […]