Jeff and MacKenzie Bezos
Seattle, Washington
Dear Jeff and Mackenzie,
I imagine you are under a lot of pressure right now after tweeting your decision with MacKenzie to get divorce, especially with all of the speculation about what led to this come about.
You’ve probably got a lot on your mind in terms of moving forward.
That makes a lot of sense.
In general, marriage can be really hard, probably the most challenging relationship of your life and super confusing at times.
It is even harder for you, because of your position, as everyone has been vying for your attention.
It’s hard to tune out all of the noise and focus on each other and who you were as a couple before your leap to stardom.
As you part ways, here are three things you need to remember so that you may peacefully move forward with consciously uncoupling.
- You fell in love for a reason– It’s tempting to think maybe you made a mistake or that your next relationship will be better. The truth is that your initial connection says it all. There are many good reasons why you were drawn to each other initially, some of which you are aware and others of which you are not. Remember, that you picked each other for a reason. So, even though you’ve fallen into the inevitable power struggle, which has seemed impossible to exit, there is a way out. Even if you have decided that it is just too hard, or you are too tired to find a better way, realize that it is always possible to rediscover that initial connection and fall in love again.
2. You need to find the best help– It will be a hard journey ahead. It’s great you are committed to staying friends, but realize, there may be hard feelings, especially if one of you didn’t want the marriage to dissolve. There will also be huge financial ramifications, which though they may not seem significant now, especially if you are excited about your new relationship with Laura Sanchez, once you are hit with reality, may provoke some upset. It would benefit you to get help together to be able to forgive each other, come to closure, and be at peace with your decision. You’ll need these tools as you’ll always be in relationship.
3. There are children involved- The last thing you want is for your kids to be reading about your dirty laundry in public. Unfortunately, because of your high profile, your private business is already being made public. Regardless of whether anything undesirable happened and whether any new revelations will be made, you’ll need to work through your feelings and think about the kids’ best interests. While it’s nice that you want to keep things amicable and that will surely minimize the potential damage, it will still be awfully hard for them. You need to learn how to be able to work together and put any of your “stuff” aside for their benefit. You chose to bring them into this world and they didn’t ask for any of this, so remember this.