Rivka’s Quarantine Diary Day 5 | Anger, Self Care, and Sabbath

There’s something called the Grief Wheel which goes through the stages of grieving. First shock, then sadness, anger, and ultimately acceptance.

Stages of Grief

I feel like I’m somewhere on that wheel, not yet in the acceptance stage yet.

Today I was ANGRY! 😡

Angry about some of the bad behaviors I read about in the news like senators selling millions of dollars in stocks before the pandemic, angry that the economy seems to be tanked, angry that people are losing their jobs, angry that a lot of this could have been avoided.

Self Care is a Must

Shlomo recognized that I was in need of some self-care. He asked me repeatedly what he could do to help me – did I need a snack? A bath? A nap?

I hated taking my anger out on my family and it sure is hard to contain it when it is being felt so strongly.

Thankfully, my teenage daughter (who received the brunt of my anger) understood my frustration especially later that night when I apologized to her after Friday night dinner.

It’s not easy running a business from home and homeschooling everyone.

I Took Shlomo up on his offer to take a nap and thankfully came out of it more pleasant 🙂

Thank Goodness for Sabbath

Went into the Sabbath eagerly and peacefully, thank goodness. So looking forward to disconnecting from the news and electronic devices.

Thinking of all of you and hope you’re hanging in there.


Shlomo & Rivka Slatkin

Rabbi Shlomo Slatkin is an Imago relationship therapist and certified (master level) Imago workshop presenter with over 20 years of experience hosting couples therapy retreats in-person and online. Contact info@themarriagerestorationproject.com or