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Reigniting the Spark:How to Bring Back the Passion in a Stagnant Relationship

With any couple who feels that their relationship is struggling, one of the most common reasons why can be traced back to a loss of passion. Whether it’s lack of one-on-one time or a sexless bedroom, lack of passion in any relationship can quickly cause stagnation, disappointment and, eventually, resentment. In order to address a lack of passion, it’s important to first recognize that there is an issue at hand. Once you do, the next step is to determine how to best proceed in reigniting the fire of your relationship, whether through counseling or through other methods. Interested in learning more about how to reignite the spark and bring back the passion in your relationship? Keep reading to discover a few fun (and flirtatious!) ways to reinvigorate your marriage, both in and out of the bedroom.

Eliminate all Distractions

In today’s modern age, it’s much too easy to be distracted by everything happening around you. From workplace anxieties that you unfortunately bring home to dealing with issues with the kids to simply being distracted by social media, it’s easy to get caught up in things and forget to pay attention to the most important relationship in your life – your marriage.

Try to take the time to eliminate or lessen as many distractions as possible before you spend time with your significant other in order to be more present. Whether it’s silencing your phone for the couple of hours that you’re out to dinner or taking a weekend away from work to spend some quality one-on-one time with your partner, this simple action can help rebuild trust and empathy while also working to re-romanticize your relationship.

Ask Your Partner What They Want

When partners complain about the lack of passion in any relationship, this can often be dialed down to a lack of communication. Even if you’ve been together for an exponentially long time and feel like you know your partner better than yourself, the truth of the matter is that you may not be privy to all of their wants, needs and desires.

While asking your partner what they want can be a quick conversation, this can involve a more in-depth discussion of what both partners are missing in a marriage. Whether it’s something new they’ve been interested in trying in the bedroom or a request as small as taking the dog for their evening walk so your spouse can rest, simply asking your partner what they want will offer valuable insight in how to improve upon the relationship.

For some, this can be as simple as needing more appreciation and recognition for what they do from their spouse. Rather than coming home from work, just eating dinner and going to bed, this can involve taking the time to compliment a delicious meal or simply noticing that their partner has tidied up around the house. Even something as small as telling your partner that they look nice can significantly improve their mood and their day. It truly is the smallest gestures that can make a huge difference in improving the overall relationship.

Take a Trip Somewhere New

One of the reasons that couples retreats and marriage counseling retreats are so successful in improving relationships isn’t just the therapy – it’s that they are conducted in a new and exciting location. When you travel with your partner to somewhere new, you get to experience firsts with them again. Whether it’s your first time going ziplining in Costa Rica or your first time learning how to paddleboard in Hawaii, traveling somewhere new with your significant other can help reset and reinvigorate a relationship. You don’t need to necessarily take the plunge on a full-scale couples retreat – even a weekend away can help reset the mind and refresh your relationship.

Be a Little Adventurous

Along the same lines of visiting somewhere new, doing something new and exciting is a great way to reinvigorate your relationship and reignite the spark. This can be as simple as doing something together that you’ve never done, such as taking a spontaneous day trip to the shore to walk on the beach or trying out a new thrill ride at your local amusement park that you’ve been too scared to do on your own. This can also involve bringing something new into the bedroom, as long as both you and your partner are practicing safety and consent. Sometimes, just a little bit of excitement and a touch of thrill can help reignite a missing spark and reinvigorate a stagnant relationship.

Find the Right Marriage Counselor

Last, but certainly not least, on our list of methods to reigniting the spark in a relationship involves bringing in a professional – marriage counseling. While it may feel like an admission of failure to get to this step, taking the plunge on pursuing couples counseling is an important first step to fixing any failing relationship. Licensed marriage counselors are highly experienced in rebuilding and reinvigorating relationships of all types and will be able to offer professional guidance and extensive experience to help direct you on the right path to success.

In addition to finding the right marriage counselor, it’s also important to identify the right method of treatment. For many couples, weekly sessions with their licensed couples therapist are the perfect solution to keeping their relationship on track and healthy. However, some couples may require more intensive therapy, such as a marriage intensive retreat or couples retreat. Once you identify the perfect therapist to work with you and your partner, always make sure to discuss your options to help get your marriage back on track. They will be able to guide you along the way and make the right suggestion for how often you need to be seen.

Taking the Next Steps

For any struggling relationship, lack of passion can be devastating and debilitating. Not only can it undermine the relationship itself, but also it can lead to resentment and anger. By recognizing the lack of passion and taking steps to counter it, couples can successfully reignite the spark in their relationship and build it back for the better.

If you’re interested in learning more about how to rekindle the spark in your relationship with the help of a licensed marriage therapist, we’re happy to assist you at The Marriage Restoration Project. Contact us to speak to one of our licensed marriage counselors and begin the journey of reigniting the passion in your relationship.

Picture of Shlomo & Rivka Slatkin

Shlomo & Rivka Slatkin

Rabbi Shlomo Slatkin is an Imago relationship therapist and certified (master level) Imago workshop presenter with over 20 years of experience hosting couples therapy retreats in-person and online.

Picture of Shlomo & Rivka Slatkin

Shlomo & Rivka Slatkin

Rabbi Shlomo Slatkin is an Imago relationship therapist and certified (master level) Imago workshop presenter with over 20 years of experience hosting couples therapy retreats in-person and online.


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