Marriage Counseling | Imago Couples Therapy | Marriage Restoration

marriage seminars for singlesThe dating process can often feel frustrating and seem endless. How will I know when I find the right one? What if I end up settling for the wrong person? We felt there needed to be marriage seminars for singles that are tailored specifically to the needs and concerns of  dating singles with the practical insights and skills from Imago Relationship Therapy. So we created one!

Our full-day marriage seminars for singles (never married or divorced) are held either in Baltimore or can be brought to your community or local institution.
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What you will learn in our Marriage Seminars for Singles:

  • What to really expect in relationships
  • How to clarify what you are looking for and common roadblocks that get in the way
  • Getting to know yourself
  • Dating tools- How to get beyond a first date.
  • How do you know if you should take it to the next level?
  • How you can stand out from all the other fish in the sea
  • What is chemistry and what role does it play?
  • What to do about broken engagements and other potential red flags
  • What to do if they’re divorced and/or with kids
  • Trusting your Gut-When your Friends don’t like your mate
  • Third party Advice- the helps and harms
  • If you are divorced- become more aware of why your previous marriage failed and how you can make it right this time


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What makes this seminar different?

-You will be empowered to move forward as opposed to being lectured at or told what you are doing wrong.

You will learn practical skills you can use right away in all of your relationships (your boss, your parents, and your friends).

-You will learn the basic tenets and skills of Imago Relationship Therapy, the most effective and popular form of relationship counseling world-wide.

-You will get the expertise and personal attention of Rabbi Slatkin who has successfully helped countless singles and broken engagements, bringing them to the point of marriage.

Our interactive marriage seminar for singles combines lecture, experiential work and exercises, and plenty of audience participation.


Click here to arrange or attend our next Marriage Seminar for Singles.

  • You will receive our free 60 Second Plan to a Happy Marriage, along with transformational emails that will help you with your marriage.

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