Is it possible to save your marriage on your own? Without a professional marriage therapist? Have you heard about couples that have successfully used marriage videos and marriage audio learning systems to save their marriage (something like Marriage Fitness by Mort Fertel or the Save the Marriage System by Lee Baucom)
More inspiration for saving your marriage on your own and DIY marriage counseling:
Why saving your marriage with a marriage audio learning system may be a good choice for you and your spouse.
- Are you busy? Do you have a lot of time to listen to lots of CDs and loads of written material?
- Does the marriage audio learning system that you are looking into share the perspectives of both the husband and wife or is it just one guy or gal speaking on the audio?
- Is the system created by a skilled marriage counseling professional or just by a lay person that may be good at dispensing marriage advice?
- Does the program have a money back guarantee?
- Are there testimonials of couples that have successfully used the marriage audio learning system and turned their marriages around?
- Does the program claim to address your particular marriage challenge? I.e., infidelity, anger, communication?
Introducing, our own marriage audio learning system, called Marriage School, the total marriage transformation system featuring no blame, no shame communication.
- Created for your busy lifestyle, each audio is short enough to listen to on an average commute so you don’t have to stop in the middle and interrupt what you’ve been learning.
- Our program features a husband and wife team, presenting as a couple so that you gain both perspectives for your own relationship. You get to see and hear a real couple in action.
- Our marriage audio learning system was created based on the clinical experience of a licensed clinical professional counselor and advanced clinician in Imago Relationship Therapy with years of experience in working with couples.
- We receive many testimonials from couples that are finding the 5 Steps to be truly transformational for their relationship. It has given them simple tools that they can implement on a daily basis.
- The 5 Step Plan addresses marriage problems ranging from infidelity to communication issues. Most likely, if you’re a struggling couple, you’ll find what you need inside the 5 Steps. Listeners have told us that they felt we were speaking directly to them! That’s how well the program relates to the common struggles that couples are facing on a daily basis.
So do we think it is possible for you to save your marriage with a set of marriage audios and dvds? We don’t know about other marriage audio learning systems but we know that with our 5 Step Plan to a Happy Marriage, the answer is a resounding Yes! We wouldn’t have created the system otherwise. We’d much rather you save your marriage on your own schedule, if that is the only way that you and your spouse will get help, than coming into our office.