Marriage Counseling Packages | Relationship Assessment

When you’re exploring getting marriage counseling, one of your biggest challenges is to:

a. Get your spouse to come on board and attend with you and

b. Find marriage counseling that works.

You’ll want to make sure that the marriage counseling that you find will not make things worse and that is going to take some research into marriage counseling professionals with a high success rate in being able to help couples.

Here at we work exclusively in marriage counseling intensives, which are 2 day intensive marriage retreats online or in-person. 


Why do we only do marriage intensives? Because we find that it is very hard to achieve real transformation in a marriage that’s been struggling in only weekly sessions. So we’ve eliminated marriage counseling weekly sessions from our practice and only see couples by way of intensive retreat.

HOWEVER! We realize that many of you looking for marriage counseling services and marriage retreats don’t always have a willing spouse and you’d like to try before you buy.

Try marriage counseling services before you buy

You wish you could “dip your toe in”  and try some marriage counseling options before making a large commitment of time, energy, and money.


Relationship Assessment


Marriage Counseling Package Option

That’s why we are SUPER EXCITED to be able to offer you the Relationship Assessment Jump Starter Marriage Counseling Package! 

If you are looking for marriage help, it’s not an easy choice. There are so many approaches and practitioners out there, it’s hard to know which one is the best for you. We’ve taken some of the risk out for you by offering an opportunity to have a sneak peak at one of the most powerful exercises we do at our 2 day Private Marriage Retreat.

You’ll have the chance to do and review our Relationship Assessment exercise, which will help you understand the underlying issues you face as well as your relationship style that you use to cope.

This exercise is a major aha moment which will help shift the way you view your relationship conflict, provide you the hope again that you are in the right relationship, and help you see what you have been doing to perpetuate your relationship nightmare and what you can do to change.

This alone can make a huge difference in your life! Whether you are not ready to commit to the counseling process or a marriage retreat, or your spouse is not on board, the Relationship Assessment JumpStarter Marriage Counseling Package Option will provide you with valuable information and insight that will provide a greater context for your relationship struggle and show you a way out.


Here’s What Comes In Your Package

  • 15 minute 1 on 1 phone-call and instructions for how to complete your personal assessment
  • Custom Relationship Assessment comprehensive worksheets and personal analysis
  • 30 minute Relationship Assessment Results Review call with Rabbi Slatkin
  • Plus, if you decide to do our 2 day Private Marriage Retreat, we will credit this to your purchase.


You can’t know where you are going in life without knowing where you came from, and this Relationship Assessment JumpStarter Marriage Counseling Package Option will give you that clarity and understanding.

It’s like taking a birds-eye view of yourself and all of your prior relationships and how they led you to this point in your life and how that’s working for you!

Start Today!


*This package is not actual therapy rather is a coaching exercise and customized plan created to help prepare you for intensive couples therapy.