Marriage Counseling | Imago Couples Therapy | Marriage Restoration

[Coupon Code PLUS Imago Dialogue Video Examples] Watch Harville and Helen’s New Book, ‘Doing Imago Relationship Therapy’ Come to Life!

Order Harville’s book using Coupon Code for 25% off: Norton90 at

Doing Imago Relationship Therapy In the Space-Between is a MUST-HAVE book in your arsenal of tools for maximizing your therapy work.

Here’s what other relationship experts are saying about it:

“Straight from the creators of the highly influential Imago Relationship Therapy, this book presents the wonderful treatment method to clinicians. It’s the epitome of authoritative finality and needs to be on every couples and family therapist’s bookshelf. Buy it! ”
John M. Gottman, PhD, author of The Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work

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See Harville’s Imago work in practice…

A Special Offer

Watch ‘Doing Imago Relationship Therapy’ Come to Life with Real Life Video Examples of the Dialogue Process.

how to become a marriage counselor
Dr. Harville Hendrix, P.h.D, founder of Imago Relationship Therapy with Rivka and Shlomo Slatkin, of

You can actually watch Dr. Harville Hendrix’s Imago Dialogue process come to life with real life conversations between a husband and wife– REAL frustrations and RAW emotion for each other, triggered by their own respective childhoods.

YOU, as a therapist, will gain immensely from watching the Imago Dialogue being used in real time and broken down step by step for maximum efficacy and adaptability to the couples in your own therapy practice!

“Relationships can be healed from the interwoven wounds of historical ruptures. Harville Hendrix and Helen LaKelly Hunt, the architects of Imago, one of the primary schools of contemporary therapy, provide a thorough, comprehensive, and scientifically-based program that brings relational living to life. ”
Jeffrey K. Zeig, PhD, Director, The Milton H. Erickson Foundation

“Combining decades of professional and personal exploration of what makes for a healthy and vibrant romantic relationship, Helen LaKelly Hunt and Harville Hendrix have created a magnificent approach for us all, with practical wisdom and scientifically sound insights into what happens in the ‘space between’ two individuals. Here in Doing Imago Relationship Therapy in the Space-Between, you’ll discover a rich strategy to offer couples a way to become free from the often hidden binds that may restrict a person from joining together as a ‘we’. Illuminating and practical, the Imago strategy is consistent with attachment research’s findings that making sense of our own family history is the best way to ensure that we are most likely to have rewarding relationships in the future―spaces between that are filled with mutuality, compassion, and respect, freeing us to love fully and live our fullest life.”
Daniel J. Siegel, New York Times best-selling author of Aware , Clinical Professor, UCLA School of Medicine, Executive Director, Mindsight Institute


Some of What You’ll See in the Real Life Imago Dialogue Video Examples:Imago therapist for couples

  1. In Harville’s book you learn how to do the Frustrations Dialogue- now Watch and see how it’s done!
  2. You learn the Appreciation’s process, now watch and see it in real time!
  3. Couples can talk to their Parents, letting them know what it was like to live with them. Watch and see…
  4. Different topics that couples face…in real time…

The Imago Dialogue Video Examples Package also include the 5 Step Action Plan Downloadable Book & Workbook to a Happy & Healthy Marriage, our actionable synopsis on the practice of Imago.

marriage courseThe 5 Step Action Plan is a user friendly book that your couples can read to further strengthen their bond in between sessions.

What Dr. Harville Hendrix had to say about the 5 Step Action Plan:

“Any couple interested in restoring their marriage and sustaining it will be blessed if they follow the logical and clear steps and processes described by Rabbi Slatkin in the Marriage Restoration Project. The concepts are clear, the instructions are logical and the heart of the author are evident on every page.”

Harville Hendrix, Ph. D. co-author with Helen LaKelly Hunt of Making Marriage Simple: Ten Truths for Changing the Relationship You Have into the Relationship You Want.

Bonus Interview with Harville & Helen!

  • Have you ever wondered how Imago therapy can help you with couples?
  • What makes Imago therapy different from Gottman or EFT for instance?
  • What Imago tools can do for improving your clinical work with couples even if you’re not an Imago therapist?

In this exclusive interview with Harville & Helen, (NOT PUBLISHED ANYWHERE ELSE), you’ll get answers to these questions and more, understanding how to deepen your couples work, making it more effective, with couples connecting rather than escalating, behind the closed doors of your office.

Don’t miss out on the real couple Imago dialogue videos so you can become even more effective in your therapy office working with couples! Get instant access and watch the dialogues now or later when you receive Harville and Helen’s new book.

Picture of Shlomo & Rivka Slatkin

Shlomo & Rivka Slatkin

Rabbi Shlomo Slatkin is an Imago relationship therapist and certified (master level) Imago workshop presenter with over 20 years of experience hosting couples therapy retreats in-person and online.

Picture of Shlomo & Rivka Slatkin

Shlomo & Rivka Slatkin

Rabbi Shlomo Slatkin is an Imago relationship therapist and certified (master level) Imago workshop presenter with over 20 years of experience hosting couples therapy retreats in-person and online.


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