If you’re wondering how to strengthen a long distance marriage even in the case of physical distance, know this- it’s entirely doable and will take work (just like in the case of any marriage!)
Here is some long distance marriage help that can help you support your relationship right now:
Step 1: Give Appreciations: It’s so easy to notice the flaws in our spouse and take the virtues for granted. We need to throw out this recipe for resentment. Instead make it a habit to express gratitude and overlook their faults. Daily appreciations will help you not lose sight of all the good your spouse does for you. You’ll also get in the habit of focusing on the positive and your partner will feel loved. Make a few minutes a day to include appreciations in your routine. Sit down and look into each others’ eyes (even over Skype!) and share what you appreciate about what your spouse did for you today or a quality that he/she possesses. If you can, have your spouse mirror it back by repeating what you said to make sure they really got it!
Step 2: Flooding: You can develop this exercise of gratitude and positivity by celebrating your spouse even further. Make the time to really show your spouse how great you think they are. More than just an appreciation, flood them with positive energy and enthusiasm. I often have couples do the flooding exercise where they physically walk around their spouse in a circle, and each time they go around, they say three physical characteristics, three behaviors, and three qualities they like about their spouse. They face their spouse, who is sitting down, share one item, encircle their spouse and continue the process until they are finished. With each successive comment they raise their voice and excitement level. They then shout out a global affirmation of why they love their spouse so much. This exercise really changes the energy in the room and the relationship and allows the spouse on the receiving end to truly feel cherished. You can do a variation of this over Skype with your partner.
If you’re currently living apart from your spouse, make it a habit to continually express gratitude through appreciations for him/her (even over the phone) and the flooding exercise. Focus on what he/she does that is right and focus on that instead of what is wrong.
3. Learning something or having a new experience together builds new neural pathways in the brain and helps foster connection. By constantly sharing new experiences, whether dating, traveling, or taking a class, you can keep the spark alive.
Some additional tips for keeping the spark alive in long distance relationships
A Fun Long Distance Relationship Gift Idea
The Relationship Vision Couples Re-connection Journal sold on Amazon solves some of the difficulty in maintaining a thriving long distance relationship.
That’s due to long distance couples not seeing each other for long periods of time and sometimes not having much to talk about by phone or video.
The Relationship Vision Couples Re-Connection Journal: Daily Conversations, Relationship Questions and Bucket Lists to Fix Your Marriage & Be Happy provides over 3 years of conversations and questions that prompt couples to start enjoying the most connected and fulfilling talks, together, for many years to come so no longer do they have to rack their brains to come up with things to talk about that will bring them closer.
The conversations and questions are divided up according to easy, medium, and highest level of intensity so couples will never be thrown into a potential difficult conversation without being prepared to do so.
Most journals ask difficult questions straight off the bat, leading to more arguments and uncomfortable conversations that lead to more disconnection. Because our journal was written by a marriage counselor whose goal is to keep couples together and happy, you’ll not only be given prompts to answer but actual marriage counseling material on how to have “safe”, emotionally connected conversations.
So even if you’ve tried other couples journals before and “failed”, hoping they would bring you closer together, you haven’t tried this one!
This beautiful journal, The Relationship Vision Couples Re-connection Journal is designed for you to infuse positivity and fun into your relationship, thereby also working on some of the harder aspects of your marriage without it seeming a chore.
You’ll go through questions and conversation prompts, one after the next – some a continuation of the question before it- with varying levels of intensity to correspond to whatever mood you and your partner are in that day.
If your relationship has been struggling, start with the easier questions. If you’re ready to deepen things and work on some things that you’ve been getting stuck on, try the harder section.
As a marriage counselor with the interest of keeping couples together and happy, you will never have to worry about questions in this journal making things worse for you both as some other journals do in their line of questioning.
It’s too easy to get lost in the day to day responsibilities and forget each other.
Stick to our instructions and guidelines for both asking and answering the questions in a way that fosters emotional safety and connection with your partner, a goal that we are excited to help you achieve through this re-connection journal!
“Make dedicated, nonnegotiable time for each other a priority, and never stop being curious about your partner. Don’t assume you know who they are today, just because you went to bed with them the night before. In short, never stop asking questions. But ask the right kind of questions.”
― John M. Gottman, Eight Dates: A Plan for Making Love Last Forever