A Deep Dive into Intensive Marriage Counseling
For so many of us, it can be truly painful to look at our closest relationship, our marriage, and admit that not everything is perfect. Whether it’s dealing with lack of time to spend alone together, lack of energy to devote to one another or a deeper issue such as the loss of a child […]
How to Prepare for Your First Couples Counseling Retreat
As we age and our lives get busier and busier, it’s often easy to fall into the trap of neglecting the most important relationship in our life – our marriage. Many couples work so hard on creating their lives and building their relationship up to their marriage before life gets in the way and they […]
Rediscover Love with Maryland’s Premier Marriage Counseling Services
Are you and your partner facing challenges in your relationship? At The Marriage Restoration Project in Maryland, we’re here to help you navigate through tough times and rekindle your love. Our dedicated team specializes in Imago Therapy, offering tailored sessions designed to strengthen your bond and improve communication. Why Choose Us? Maryland couples in Baltimore […]
4 Things Your Therapist Wants You to Know Before Starting Couples Counseling

If you’re thinking about going to marriage therapy there are a few things your counselor wants you to know before you begin. The reason your future counselor wants you to learn these things is simple; knowing them will help prepare you for counseling so that you can both make the most of it. Whether a major […]
Is a Disagreement with In-Laws Affecting Your Marriage?
In-law relationships can have a significant impact on a marriage. That’s why conflict with in-laws requires a united front that puts your marital relationship before the relationship you have with your parents. Perhaps you’ve experienced varying levels of joy and tension while interacting with your mother-in-law or father-in-law. But when the dynamics between spouses and […]
Communication After Infidelity is Hard: Here Are 5 Tips to Improve It

Learning how to communicate again after experiencing infidelity is one of the most difficult obstacles one can experience in a lifetime. However, its worth putting in the work because a couple can never experience a deep connection emotionally if they cannot express themselves and feel understood. Infidelity is painful and creates so much uncertainty, pain, […]
Control Issues in a Relationship
“Control issues” usually stem from fear or anxiety. When a person is afraid of an outcome or wants things to be a certain way, they can become rigid. By feeling a sense of control, they can reduce their anxiety and feel that they have power. While it is easy to label someone as controlling, it […]
How is Imago marriage counseling different from other marriage counseling that you’ve tried?

We get asked that question a lot… “how is your marriage counseling program different than any of the other marriage counseling that we’ve already tried?” At our last group setting couples retreat we held here in Baltimore, MD, a couple asked us the very first day of the retreat, “Our previous therapist told us we […]
4 Things to Do When Dealing With a Toxic Family Member

It’s normal to have arguments, disagreements, and moments of frustration with our in-laws and close loved ones. If the disconnect becomes harmful and toxic, far beyond the occasional “button pushing” that all family members engage in it’s time to take action. “Family.” The word is dynamic, diverse, and loaded with history—and for all of us, occasional conflict, too. How […]
3 Insightful Ways to Bring Up an Issue With Your Spouse
Want to talk to your husband or wife about something important but don’t know how to bring it up without starting a fight or scaring them away? Whether you’re an introvert, an empath, or find it difficult to have a conversation about something important with your partner; the key to a happy marriage is communication. […]
That’s Funny, Honey: Tips for Using Humor During Marital Conflict to Stop Fights in Their Tracks
Want to know why bringing the heat down a notch during a relationship conflict is so important? Close your eyes and picture the last time you and your spouse laughed together. Really put yourself in that memory, conjuring up how it felt. It felt good, right? Want to feel it again? There’s no question that […]
10 Signs of Emotional Abuse You Should Never Ignore
What is Emotional Abuse? When you love someone, it can be hard to notice the warning signs that normally alert you to toxic and unhealthy behaviors. And even if you’re already worried about how you’re being treated, sometimes it’s tempting to minimize or “brush off” your concerns (which is actually something an emotionally abusive partner encourages—more on that in a […]
What Are the “Four Horsemen” of Relationships? Here’s What the Research Says
Psychologist Dr. John Gottman has spent over 40 years researching relationships. Considered a leading expert on marital stability, Dr. Gottman is famously known for predicting whether couples will divorce with 90% accuracy. How has he developed such a keen eye for identifying ill-fated marriages? Dr. Gottman credits the work he’s done with over 3,000 newlywed […]
What should I do when my husband ignores me?
If your husband ignores you, you may be feeling uncomfortable, sad, or even mad. Keep reading to gain more clarity about what is happening and what you can do to positively impact the situation. Reasons Your Husband Ignores You While there are many possible reasons you are feeling ignored by your husband, here are a […]
How Marriage Intensives can help you stop marital fights before they start

While it’s unreasonable to think that marriage intensives will eradicate all conflict in a relationship, they can definitely help. By getting to the core issues of your relationship and teaching you practical tools that will help you navigate through the difficult topics and feel more connected, you will find yourself feeling closer to each other […]
Body Language and other non verbal communication problems in marriage

Did you know that there is a silent 3rd partner in your marriage? That’s your body language and your non verbal communication. You can fix your non verbal communication problems in marriage through the following communication problems we noticed in the presidential debates! More inspiration about communication problems in marriage and how to shift them: […]
Marriage Issues: Stopping Emotional Abuse in Marriage
What is emotional abuse in marriage? It can be hard to quantify since it differs greatly from physical abuse but can be the slippery slope that leads to it. Emotional Abuse: What You Should Know Emotional abuse is a topic we get questions about often. So many relationships are suffering from emotional abuse. Stopping emotional […]
Marriage Counseling Specializing in Affair Recovery

If you’ve come to this page you’re looking to find marriage counseling specializing in affair recovery to see if it can help your situation where you or your spouse have likely had an affair. You’re in pain. Whether you’re experiencing feelings of anger, betrayal, shame or guilt, you’re suffering. You want to know if your […]
I Don’t Love My Spouse Anymore? Which of the 3 Relationship Stages are You In

The stages of a relationship are often misunderstood, and confused with what at first appears to be the end of a marriage. Find yourself saying “I don’t love my spouse anymore”? Wondering what to do if you don’t love your spouse anymore? Wondering if your marriage is over and beyond repair? These feelings are normal […]
No Communication in Marriage? Learn Why. Maximizer vs Minimizer Styles
In a marriage, we need to make sure we communicate effectively. Our communication styles dictate for the most part how we react in certain situations, and the two most common communication styles are maximizers and minimizers. A maximizer is loud and boisterous, while the minimizer is reserved and avoids conflict. This dynamic can become very […]