Marriage Mistakes Couples Make (not just communication problems) & How to Fix ’em
We often get asked, “What are the marriage mistakes that you see couples making most often in their marriage and in their relationships?” While there are many mistakes that couples could be making (especially with regards to communication and communication problems in marriage), here are two that we see often, that are not too hard […]
When your wife won’t talk. What to do if she’s giving you the silent treatment.
Wife Won’t Talk? Here’s What You Should Know About Her Deafening Silence There are many things your wife would love for you to know about her but she just won’t tell you. Is she purposely not sharing these things with you or has it been awhile since you had a deep conversation together? What to […]
5 Marriage Communication Problems & How to Fix Them
Marriage communication problems are one of the biggest challenges couples face in a marriage. The inability to communicate effectively with one’s spouse can lead to one or both partners feeling unheard, not cared for, and/or unloved. The bad news is that communication problems can have a devastating and even fatal impact on a marriage. The […]
No Communication in Marriage? Learn Why. Maximizer vs Minimizer Styles
In a marriage, we need to make sure we communicate effectively. Our communication styles dictate for the most part how we react in certain situations, and the two most common communication styles are maximizers and minimizers. A maximizer is loud and boisterous, while the minimizer is reserved and avoids conflict. This dynamic can become very […]
How to Cope with Silent Treatment in Marriage
Is your spouse giving you the Silent treatment? Learn how to cope with silent treatment in marriage. The words below were spoken by an anonymous client going through the same thing as you. “When my wife and I argue, we never solve anything. My wife tends to stop talking altogether. She just shuts down and […]