How Silent Treatment & Repressed Animosity Ruins Relationships (And What You Can Do to Stop It)
Whether you’re on the receiving end of it or you are giving it to your partner, the silent treatment can create a toxic relationship environment. Most of us know what it feels like to be so frustrated during an argument with our spouse that we simply want to shut down, surround ourselves with metaphorical walls, […]
10 Signs of Emotional Abuse You Should Never Ignore
What is Emotional Abuse? When you love someone, it can be hard to notice the warning signs that normally alert you to toxic and unhealthy behaviors. And even if you’re already worried about how you’re being treated, sometimes it’s tempting to minimize or “brush off” your concerns (which is actually something an emotionally abusive partner encourages—more on that in a […]
What Are the “Four Horsemen” of Relationships? Here’s What the Research Says
Psychologist Dr. John Gottman has spent over 40 years researching relationships. Considered a leading expert on marital stability, Dr. Gottman is famously known for predicting whether couples will divorce with 90% accuracy. How has he developed such a keen eye for identifying ill-fated marriages? Dr. Gottman credits the work he’s done with over 3,000 newlywed […]
What should I do when my husband ignores me?
If your husband ignores you, you may be feeling uncomfortable, sad, or even mad. Keep reading to gain more clarity about what is happening and what you can do to positively impact the situation. Reasons Your Husband Ignores You While there are many possible reasons you are feeling ignored by your husband, here are a […]
Is Name Calling Verbal Abuse? What is considered verbal abuse?
Calling your spouse names and insulting them verbally can qualify as verbal abuse. Verbal abuse often starts out subtle. A put-down here or there or a minor insult may be the first sign. Over time, it can turn into name-calling and threats of physical harm. When your spouse is out of control…help for an abusive […]
Angry Spouse? What to do if you’re living with an angry wife or an angry husband.
“My wife is always mad at me!” “Why is my husband angry with me?” One of the most common yet challenging issues I see when working with couples is anger. Anger is one of the most powerful and most destructive human emotions. The long-term damage it can have on a marriage can be irreparable as […]
Marriage Issues: Stopping Emotional Abuse in Marriage
What is emotional abuse in marriage? It can be hard to quantify since it differs greatly from physical abuse but can be the slippery slope that leads to it. Emotional Abuse: What You Should Know Emotional abuse is a topic we get questions about often. So many relationships are suffering from emotional abuse. Stopping emotional […]
When your wife won’t talk. What to do if she’s giving you the silent treatment.
Wife Won’t Talk? Here’s What You Should Know About Her Deafening Silence There are many things your wife would love for you to know about her but she just won’t tell you. Is she purposely not sharing these things with you or has it been awhile since you had a deep conversation together? What to […]
5 Marriage Communication Problems & How to Fix Them
Marriage communication problems are one of the biggest challenges couples face in a marriage. The inability to communicate effectively with one’s spouse can lead to one or both partners feeling unheard, not cared for, and/or unloved. The bad news is that communication problems can have a devastating and even fatal impact on a marriage. The […]
How to Cope with Silent Treatment in Marriage
Is your spouse giving you the Silent treatment? Learn how to cope with silent treatment in marriage. The words below were spoken by an anonymous client going through the same thing as you. “When my wife and I argue, we never solve anything. My wife tends to stop talking altogether. She just shuts down and […]