What is the 1 question to ask yourself before breaking up is: What do you need to be happy and what can you do to bring that into your relationship?
Ask yourself, “When did you start becoming unhappy in this relationship? What changed?” Is it a particular scenario or event that occurred or a situation that you can gain awareness about?
Relationships have ups and downs, and things are not always going to be one way. It’s important to know that your happiness is not dependent on others, otherwise it’s not “real” happiness.
What do you need to be happy and what can you do to bring that into your relationship?
Why is that question the one that you need to ask yourself before breaking up?
There is a fallacy out there in society that if something doesn’t make you feel good, then you “should” move on to something else. People seem to think that if they are no longer happy in their marriage then they should just move on to someone else.
If you’re considering ending a marriage, know that ultimately, no one else will make you happy and you are likely to be unhappy in a future relationship. Marriage is a commitment, for good times and bad, for better or for worse. It’s not a life sentence to being miserable but it is something to be taken seriously and requires effort. And when you do put the effort into your marriage, you’ll discover a relationship that is far more fulfilling than anything else in the world.
We know that to be true based on the chemistry and science behind why you chose your spouse, why you were originally attracted to them- it’s because they have precisely the things you are “missing” in yourself. As you work through the conflict together and compel each other to grow, you’ll regain those missing parts of yourself and you will feel more whole and ultimately more happy.