Marriage Counseling | Imago Couples Therapy | Marriage Restoration

Many people wonder about what’s more effective, face-to-face or over the online marriage counseling? Online marriage counseling options offer the same quality and effectiveness as in-person relationship therapy while allowing participants to social distance, participating remotely from different parts of the world. Our virtual marriage counseling is available via video call using Skype or Zoom. Our online sessions have proven to be very productive. They can even increase a couples’ need for privacy in their marriage. Video therapy using the imago method can help couples improve communication, intimacy, and even improve your overall lives and that of your children. Our teletherapy clinicians help couples uncover the root issue of conflict, then help them learn how to overcome, be better listeners, and improve communication.

Fix Your Marriage with Imago Relationship Therapy Online

Online couples therapy is quite comfortable in that you don’t need to leave your home to go to counseling and if you’re concerned about privacy and being seen, doing it over the internet absolutely caters to that need.

Additionally, if your spouse is deployed or is not currently living at home with you, you can still attend marriage counseling remotely via Skype with you and your partner and an additional third party, in this case, a marriage counselor. It’s very simple and quite effective.

Really it boils down to choose a therapist that is right for your needs. We talk a lot about marriage counseling that can sometimes make things worse here at this link, and just as there are many marriage counselors to choose from in your local area, there are also many marriage counselors to choose from online. Perhaps even more with the Internet being such a vast and open resource.

Sometimes it also helps to choose a modality of therapy that you’ve researched and like the sound of. We practice Imago Relationship Therapy as we’ve found it to be by far the most successful form of marriage counseling that exists!

Fixing marriages in great need of repair is what we do best. Online couples therapy can help save your marriage, but we have found the absolute best way to experience lasting change in your marriage is through a 2-day marriage intensive retreat (which is also available virtually via Zoom & Skype).

If your marriage is in great need of repair, don’t let distance deter you from regaining the relationship you once had and getting the best help out there. Attend virtual imago marriage therapy online with The Marriage Restoration Project today. #stayhomestaysafe

Marriage Counseling on Live Video Call

While we would love to provide personal one-on-one marriage counseling, the next best option is therapy via Skype or Zoom. Let’s discuss your relationship therapy options and get you and your partner or spouse on track to save your marriage.

Why Attend Couples Therapy Online at Home?

There are many reasons you should choose to work with a marriage counselor remotely, the most obvious is to practice distancing given the current pandemic. Other reasons include:

    • Logistics. Where you live may not offer you the best options, or your spouse may be deployed or living in another location, whatever the case may be.
    • Privacy. You and your spouse want to work on your marriage problems privately at home, without anyone else knowing about it.
    • Convenience. If you have kids, work, and other responsibilities it may be difficult or even impossible to attend relationship therapy in person so online couples therapy just makes more sense.
    • More Immersive Experience. Having the ability to work on your marriage issues via video call can be more immersive than virtual relationship therapy because you feel you can share more with the counselor online vs. in their office. This is especially true for those living with anxiety.

happy couple after online zoom therapy

No matter your reasons for wanting to attend therapy remotely, you can get the marriage help that you need, right here.

Does Skype Marriage Relationship Therapy Work?

Yes. The best way that we work to transform marriages in our couples counseling practice is via an intense, 2-day Marriage Retreat using boot camp-style imago relationship therapy. Couples can attend private intensive counseling retreats can take place in our office, in your city, or online Skype. Hooray for technology. It’s a game changer!

There is no other online marriage counseling retreat out there that offers you 2 full days of intensive marriage counseling plus 8 (90 Minute) Follow up Marriage counseling sessions. We specifically put those followup sessions together in our Retreat program to secure your success and “say no” to backsliding and reverting to old habits and patterns.

imago therapist

In our marriage counseling sessions you talk to your spouse directly, communicating and connecting with him/her sitting face to face. So while you will be able to talk to me like you would in my local Maryland office, the majority of the work is going to be through you and your spouse dialoguing, making the distance a non-issue.

Is Online Marriage Counseling Effective?

In our at-home marriage counseling sessions you talk to your spouse directly, communicating and connecting with him/her sitting face to face. So while you will be able to talk to me like you would in my local Maryland office, the majority of the work is going to be through you and your spouse dialoguing, making the distance a non-issue.

We’re there to make sure the energy between you both is safe and to guide you naturally along in the process but there’s actually very little back and forth with the therapist because restoring your connection needs to happen between the two of you.

That’s the beauty of our work!

And if you’ve ever wondered “Does marriage counseling work?”, most likely that was due to the therapist not facilitating healing between the two of you, but serving as “mediator” or “negotiator”. That approach simply does not work.

So how does counseling via Skype work?

Therapy via Skype requires nothing more than high-speed internet and a webcam, which makes it easily accessible to many couples. We host counseling sessions and intensive marriage therapy retreats for people across the United States and even struggling couples across the pond or separated by deployment overseas.

Benefits of Online Marriage Counseling at Home

Convenience: Skype sessions are available to couples located anywhere in the United States or around the world. Therapy via Skype allows couples with young children to get the help they seek without having to hire a babysitter and makes concerns over driving, rush hour traffic, and gas prices irrelevant

Discretion: As with any marriage therapist, all sessions with us are completely confidential regardless of whether they take place in person, over the phone, or if you opt for online marriage counseling. Skype adds an extra layer of privacy, making it ideal for those who are particularly concerned over confidentiality.

Privacy & Comfort: Many therapists rely on back-to-back appointment scheduling, which is less than ideal as clients may see other as they enter or exit the building. Marriage counseling over the internet avoids this issue entirely, ensuring complete privacy regardless of how precisely the schedules are booked. For those that are not from Baltimore, there is an additional layer of comfort that comes from knowing that they will not run into their therapist around town as they run, shop, dine, or run errands.

Calmness in the home: One of our favorite benefits of online Skype marriage and relationship counseling is that the calm you experience during your session begins to permeate your home and benefits others that enter your home. That sense of calm will help your children and will stay with you long after your session. We all need calm in our busy, hectic lives. Especially right now. You and your partner can still enjoy all the benefits of imago couples counseling from your home.

Schedule your therapy via Skype experience by calling 443-645-0630 or fill out the form below to request more information.

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